- Repressive Apparatus is an establishment or foundation that can use their power to inflict harm if people don’t obey authority. This is so the foundation can make certain complying at all times, while authority can also maintain power. Example: Police, Courts, and Prison.
- Ideological Apparatus is an institution that shapes how you behave so they can ensure obedience. Institutions as such work to remain the status quo, and for people to retain information, or train the brains to become obedient consciously, or subconsciously. Example: school and Church
- The difference between Repressive apparatus and Ideological apparatus is cause and effect. Repressive apparatus is the outcome of disobedience towards authority, so they’re able to control you through power. Ideological apparatus is the training part to inflict obedience so repressive apparatus doesn’t come into effect caused by disobedience.
- An example of ideology:
This is a coming to age movie made in 1999 called “I’m A Cheerleader”, it’s about a girl who finds out she’s a part of the LBTQ community, and her parents are starting to suspect a change in her behavior. Her parents are very religious and don’t want to support her in her journey of change, so they send her to a program to convert her back to being straight. In my opinion, this would be an example of repressive apparatus, her actions caused the authority figures in her life (her parents) to take charge and seek change in an institution.