1. In my own view, ideology is a social or political belief that a person belongs to, Ideology is a belief people possess do to surrounding factors such as, family, social groups, or education. Ideology helps people gain an understanding of their society, government, and how people conduct themselves depending on their circumstances. an example of ideology would be, liberalism ,conservatism, and socialism etc.
  2. The difference between liberal and conservative ideology is that Liberals believe in a bigger and more present government because thy favor a government who addresses social and economic inequality such as, making sure everyone has access to basic needs, housing, education, etc. A conservative government believes in a smaller and more of a closed-knit government interference in peoples lives. an example of this would be, limited government power, state level or local control, etc.
    Conservatives value liberty, Liberals value equality
  3. I believe Althusser’s definition of Ideology derives from our everyday surrounding that influence our political beliefs. Surrounding areas of our life and communities shape what we believe is politically and substantially correct. Ideology impacts our beliefs that what was taught or shown to us is proper, or was already deep-rooted within us. I view Althusser’s definition as a guide to show us how powerful and influential ideology can be on our intelligence, and how ideology will continue to change within communities, and the more people’s perspective change the bigger impact it will have on future generations.

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