A repressive state apparatus is a term used by Louis Althusser to describe institutions and mechanisms that maintain social control through direct force and coercion. This includes the police, the military, and the judicial system. These apparatuses enforce laws and regulations by using physical power or the threat of it to ensure compliance and managing conflicts within society. Their primary function is to uphold the excising power structures and prevent or suppress any challenges to authority. Althusser calls it “repressive” because these institutions, like the police and military, use force and punishment to control people and maintain order, The term highlights that they enforce rules through direct pressure or threats, rather that just influencing people’s beliefs.
An Ideological state apparatuses is a term also used by Althusser to describe institutions and practices that shape and influence people’s beliefs, values, and understanding of the world. Ideological state apparatus works through persuasion and socialization. Some examples include media, school, religious institutions, and family structures. These apparatuses promote and reinforce the dominant ideologies and norms or society, helping to maintain the existing social order by shaping how people think and behave.
Repressive state apparatuses use force and punishment to control people such as the police and military. Whereas Ideological state apparatuses influence people’s beliefs and values through things like school, media, and religion. While Repressive state apparatuses enforce rules directly through coercion, Ideological state apparatuses shape how people think and understand their world. Helping to support and maintain the existing social order more indirectly.
Repressive State Apparatuses

Hi Tiffany,
Your example of repressive state apparatuses is interesting! As repressive state apparatuses states use force and violence to punish picture, the picture used showcasing how police and armies have more power than citizens and use the advantage of power they have and cause chaos