1.ideology is basically a culmination of values, beliefs and ideas that­­­ shape how individuals and or groups in society interpret society and their world around them. Many groups can have a direct impact on how you draw inferences of your ideology which include social, political, economic, or even culturally. All these groups can have a profound influence on your decision making which ultimately creates your life and worldviews. Two common ideologies most people of today’s society may classify with is liberal and conservative ideologies.

2. As we have come to learn in life, no two things are the same. This case is also true when referring to conservative and liberal ideologies. On the one hand conservative ideology suggests that the large government poses a threat to our individual liberty. They believe in the free market and that everyone has the same 24 hours in the day. In other words, if you are poor and working in the middle class it’s because your either lazy or incapable and it has nothing to do with the actual government. Yet relies on the government to govern anything that can be a threat to their well beings and or wealth, i.e harsher prison sentences, monitoring and surveillance of others less fortunate than them and to protect the assists to their capitalist world views. Also, they believe in a strong defense and support money being poured into the military. Liberals however believe and lean into the aid of the government and firmly believe that they’re here to serve a purpose helping solve societal issues. Liberals understand that the free market the conservatives love so much in fact won’t be fair to everyone. Liberals cherish equality and have deep rooted beliefs in government intervention.

3. Louis Althusser, a French Marxist philosopher, offers a nuanced and influential definition of ideology. There were two apparatus he believed which are Repressive state apparatus and Ideological state apparatus. According to Althusser, ideology is more than just a set of ideas or beliefs it’s an integrated system that plays a crucial role in maintaining social structures and power relations. Althusser uses the concept of interpellation to explain how ideology “hails” or “calls” individuals into social roles. Through interpellation, individuals are positioned within ideological frameworks that define their identity and social function. This process helps individuals recognize themselves as part of a social structure and adhere to its norms and values.

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