A. In my view Ideology can be described as people who share different beliefs. These beliefs can be influenced by, family, principles, politics and etc. People can share the same ideologies based on culture, family dynamic, or morals. ideologies also allow for separation of groups based on what they believe in.

B. An example of Ideology there is a Christian church and a Jehovah witness church. They share a belief in God; however, they don’t share the same beliefs in their God. Christians believes Jesus is the son of God. While Jehovah witness believes in the Holy Trinity the father, the son, the holy spirit. Now people who maybe apart of either of these groups will argue that the other is wrong based on their beliefs.

C. Ideology can also be categorized as Conservative and Liberal giving different perspectives on people’s views. Liberal wants freedom and equality, while Conservative wants equality with minimal change.

2. The difference between Liberal and Conservative Ideology is Liberal wants freedom of choice, liberty for change. Conservative does not want change unless it’s necessary. Conservative ideology refers to traditional way of things their motto “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Liberal sees change as effective help build the community change allows room for growth exploring. Conservative sees change as “the grass may not be greener on the other side”, meaning just because it sounds like it will work doesn’t mean it won’t.

3. Althusser definition of Ideology to me is people want to believe in something that isn’t real. Althusser felt people act on something and then believe in it. Example: Politicians allow people to think that the two parties are against each other. You have the democratic party; you have the republican party. During election time its campaigns, debates, speeches, and advertisement of what will be done if elected. People go out to vote thinking their votes counts, because people are in fear of making a bad choice out of the two worst choices. Interpellation individuals within rules of punctuality, politicians, and obedience of authority. School where the teacher has authority over the students. Politicians’ authority over the people.

One thought on “Shaniqua Holmes -Ideology

  1. Hi Shaniqua,

    Your understanding of ideology highlights key points about how beliefs are shaped by factors like family, culture, and politics. You effectively show that while groups may share common values, ideological differences create distinctions, as in the example of Christian and Jehovah’s Witness churches.

    You also draw a clear line between liberal and conservative ideologies: liberals advocate for change and freedom, while conservatives prefer tradition and stability, changing only when necessary. This reflects how views on progress and tradition shape political and social beliefs.

    Lastly, your interpretation of Althusser’s theory focuses on how people are influenced by societal structures, particularly through interpellation, where institutions like politics and education subtly shape our roles and choices. You illustrate this well with your example of the political system and the illusion of choice during elections.

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