Discussion Board 9.2 – Hector Lopez

  1. What makes the war on terror a new type of war is because it is a war that is fought internally against ourselves that cross the limits that we had once always protected. Old wars were always against an opposing threat outside the nation, however, after 9/11, the threat of a internal terrorist assaults’ cause the nation to change its prospective on our liberties. It made them change their idea that liberties are always protected, and allows them to violate them if they deem it a necessary action to ensure safety. Because this is a general term, its now makes it easier for the nation to unrightfully violate a persons rights and claim that its for a better cause. This new war we have internally is dangerous because it can cause a loss of trust between those who are be violated and our government.
  2. Rovering wiretap is such a violation of the bill of rights because it destroys both the freedom of speech in the 1st amendment, as well as the freedom to not self-incriminate of the 5th amendment. Its a direct violation of these rights because these wiretaps are placed without the consent or awareness of the defendant can lead to them having their words used against them in a way they didn’t intend on. When people speak with their lawyers they could be giving out information that will incriminate them however were under the idea that they were have a private discussion, and didn’t want those details to be public.
  3. Sneak and Peek warrants also violate the 4th amendment which is to be protected under reasonable search. The sneak and peek warrants allow the FBI to delay their warrant while obtaining legal entry into the house of a suspect. This directly goes against the amendment because it unconstitutionally goes against the privacy of a person’s home and the rights they have to their private property. The sneak peek gives the FBI that chance to surprise search the house if they consider it reasonable.

Discussion 9.2

Patricia Williams says the war on terror is new because it has no clear end and doesn’t follow the rules of traditional wars. Instead of fighting other countries, this war is against terrorist groups, and it happens all over the world.

The “Roving Wiretaps” in the Patriot Act may violate the Fourth Amendment, which protects people from unreasonable searches. These wiretaps let the government listen to any device without saying which one, which can be too broad.

“Sneak and Peek” warrants also seem to break the Fourth Amendment because the government can search a home without telling the person right away, which isn’t fair and takes away their chance to object.

Stephanie Maracayo 9.2

  1. The war on terror can use acts like terrorism to target people, they can be a global threat and it’s difficult to determine the difference between them and a soldier.
  2. I believe the roving wire tapes violates the fourth amendment because it’s violating someone’s privacy by having surveillance of them instead of their technology. This violates the fourth amendment because they are going out their way to invade someone’s privacy without renewing a warrant.
  3. sneak and peek warrant violates the fourth amendment because the warrants doesn’t warn them before the search happens which is violating someone’s privacy. They don’t notify them they just show up.

Discussion board 9.2-Anivel Espinal Fernandez

1.Traditional wars involve a physical battle between two groups in a specific place and target . In P.Williams essay she explained that war on terror is a new type of war because is a battle of hate ,The conflict is not about a country but about a group of unidentified people that are labeled as your enemy to your personal ideology .In my opinion this can be a bit racist or absurd since this can target a specific race. For example,after 9/11 many people see arabians as threats just because a specific group of arabians decided to attack a country . War on terror is a never ending war because people judge individuals with different ideologies than them, sometimes even see those people as a threat.

2.The roving wiretaps violate the 4th amendment because the 4th amendment protects a citizen from having unreasonable searches . Roving wiretaps is a warrant that an law enforcement officer obtains to “hack” your device but generally not only your device but in fact any device that has your both since some people tend to have more than one device.Therefore, roving wiretaps violates the 4th amendment because surveillance a person’s everymove without a probable cause.
3. The “sneak and peek” warrant violates the 4th amendment because the 4th amendment protects the right of a citizen to be present during a search or being notified on time of search . The sneak and peek warrant gives law enforcement officers the ability to search your house without you being there meaning that they don’t have to notify you immediately.

Discussion Board 9.2

1. P. Williams writes in her essay, that the war on terror is a new type of a war. What’s new about it, how is it different from traditional wars?

    In P. Williams’s essay, she talks about how the war on terror is different from traditional wars. What stands out to me is that the conflict isn’t just between countries or armies, it involves non state actors and global ideologies. Which makes it tricky because the battlefield isn’t always clear, and the enemies can be hard to identify.

    2. In what ways does the “Roving Wiretaps” of the Patriot Act seem to violate the Bill of Rights? Which amendment(s) does it seem to violate and why?

    One major issue I see with the “Roving Wiretaps” in the Patriot Act is that they seem to violate the Fourth Amendment, which is supposed to protect us from unreasonable searches. The wiretap allows the government to monitor multiple devices without needing a new warrant each time. This approach feels like it can invade our privacy and goes against the specific protections the Fourth Amendment is meant to provide.

    3. What about “Sneak and Peek” Warrants?

    The “Sneak and Peek” warrant is very concerning to me. It allow’s law enforcement to search a property without immediately notifying the owner. This really undermines the Fourth Amendment’s intent to keep us informed about searches. If I didn’t know that my place was searched, it would definitely feel like a violation of my rights!

      Discussion Board 9.2

      1. P. Williams writes in her essay, that the war on terror is a new type of a war. What’s new about it, how is it different from traditional wars?
      2. In what ways does the “Roving Wiretaps” of the Patriot Act seem to violate the Bill of Rights? Which amendment(s) does it seem to violate and why?
      3. What about “Sneek and Peek” Warrants?