Melissa Boatswain- Ideology, my own words

  1. Understanding Ideology in My Own Words
    Ideology is a collection of beliefs, values, and ideas that guide how individuals and
    groups view the world and make decisions. It shapes our understanding of right or
    wrong, influencing how we perceive society and our role. Ideology acts like a blueprint,
    providing a structured way of interpreting complex social and political issues.
    For instance, the ideology of environmentalism is grounded in the belief that protecting the
    environment is crucial for the survival and well-being of future generations. This ideology drives
    policies and actions prioritizing sustainability, conservation, and reducing human
    impact on the planet.
    Expanding on this, ideology functions as a powerful force that not only shapes individual beliefs
    but also governs societal norms and values. It can unify groups with shared perspectives while
    simultaneously creating divisions with those who hold opposing views. Ideologies can be deeply
    rooted, making them resistant to change, even in the face of new evidence. Understanding
    ideology is critical to analyzing how societies operate and how power is distributed and maintained.
  2. Conservative vs. Liberal Ideology in US Politics
    In US politics, conservative and liberal ideologies represent two distinct
    governance and societal organization approaches. Conservatives emphasize the
    importance of tradition, individual responsibility, and limited government intervention. They
    advocate for policies that promote free enterprise, personal liberty, and a robust national
    defense. On the other hand, liberals focus on the principles of equality, social justice, and the
    role of government in addressing systemic inequalities. They support policies that
    expand social safety nets, protect civil rights, and regulate the economy to ensure fairness.
    The significant difference between these ideologies often lies in their approach to the role of
    government. Conservatives typically argue for a smaller government that allows individuals and
    businesses to operate with minimal regulation. They believe that this leads to greater efficiency
    and innovation. Liberals, however, view government as an essential tool for promoting the
    common good, arguing that it is responsible for protecting vulnerable populations and ensuring
    equal opportunities for all.
    An example that highlights this ideological divide is the debate over taxation. Conservatives
    often advocate for lower taxes, particularly on businesses and the wealthy, arguing that this
    stimulates economic growth and job creation. Liberals, in contrast, support progressive taxation,
    where the wealthy pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes as a means of redistributing
    wealth and funding social programs that benefit society as a whole.
  3. Understanding Althusser’s Definition of Ideology
    Althusser defines ideology as the unconscious system of beliefs and values that shape our
    perceptions and behaviors, mainly through the influence of social institutions such as schools, churches, and the media. He suggests that ideology operates by “interpellating” individuals, meaning it calls upon them to assume specific roles and identities that align with the dominant social order. In simpler terms, Althusser views ideology as an invisible force we often don’t recognize, yet it profoundly influences how we think and act. For example, the ideology of patriotism can lead individuals to support policies or actions that align with national interests, even when they may not personally benefit from them. This happens because the ideology has already shaped their identity as citizens, prioritizing their country’s welfare above all else. Althusser’s perspective on ideology challenges us to recognize the subtle ways in which our thoughts and actions are shaped by external forces, often without our conscious awareness. It encourages us to critically examine the ideologies we take for granted and consider how they might serve the interests of particular groups while marginalizing others.

Anastasios Katehis Response to Discussion Board 3.1

Ideologies are a collection of beliefs and ethical values that people and all state apparatuses hold true to themselves. For the most part, ideologies heavily affect and impact our modern society and world as we know it. This is because Ideologies are passed down from generation to generation and from state apparatuses to us as people. There are many different reasons as to why people hold different Ideologies.

For instance, some people simply just choose to believe in what was passed down from their older generation of family and relatives or their most convenient state apparatus. On the other hand, others choose to completely challenge the beliefs and ideas passed from those around them for many different reasons. Furthermore, in order to further illustrate ideology itself, an example of an ideology passed down from the state apparatuses being school is that we as a society should obey a certain bell schedule and time schedule for our education system and typical work day as future employees.

Another way to understand ideology through example would be how different government parties have different ideologies. For this example, I’m going to use the conservative and liberal parties by comparing their extremely different ideologies. First of all, the primary conservative ideology concepts are favoring traditional values and capitalism. However, the liberal parties’ main ideologies favor values such as equality and liberty. Last but not least, the last way to further your knowledge of ideology would be through Althusser’s concept of ideology. This concept essentially states that because of the passing of ideologies through all different sorts of apparatuses and generational passing of ideas, it helps keep society in place and a certain general standpoint with certain main ideologies and concepts that run modern society.

Hector Lopez – Ideology

  1. My understanding of ideology is that its the idea and belief that a person believes we should be governed by. Ideology mainly deals with a persons political view of government however, there believe it can also be used to describe a certain mindset when it comes to other topics. An example of a political ideology is conservatives whos have the belief that government should be as hands off as possible in order to reduce the taxes that they would pay. This idea directly conflicts with the alternative ideology held by liberals, who believe the government should aid the people. This increase in social care services results in increased taxes, however they feel it is justified, as it greatly benefits lower income families and people who would be abandoned under a unregulated free market. From my understanding of the crash course video, ideology is heavily shaped by social groups like a persons income, race, religion, and gender. This means that people who are born in high income families tend to be more conservative because they benefit greatly from the lower taxes and don’t see many of the benefits of social care. A interesting point of understanding from this is while people can create their own stance and choose their own view, most of the times, a person’s views are created as a result of the views already had by their parents.
  2. The difference in conservatives and liberals as I mentioned earlier are the role of the government in society. Conservatives believe the the government should insert itself very little in the market and “conserve” their powers to when need be. Conservatives are similar to the ideas a laissez faire in which they believe the market can be self regulating and will allow the economy to flourish. Liberals alternatively, believe that the government should take heavy responsibility in overseeing the people and provide services to those in need. In the crash course video, they state a main reason for this is because liberals believe that a free market will not spread wealth around equally, leading to massive disparity in income among social classes. Because of this, the government is needed to regulate the people and provide support to those struggling through breaks in taxes and services provided for cheaper or no price such as Medicaid. These services come at a cost however, leading to high taxes for higher income earners however, it is believed to be justifiable, as these extra tax dollars goes towards helping even out the field.
  3. From my understanding, Althusser’s definition of ideology is that there are sub ideology that exist in different facets of life that allow you to connect and relate to a different group of people. The example from the video that made me believe this was the entertainment apparatus. The entertainment apparatus was described as a example of ideology where instead of believing you are apart of the class that you are normally apart of, you see yourself mainly a apart of a group based on the entertainment. In the case of the video, a fan of a team rather then someone of a working class.

Eman Elazab | Ideology Discussion

1. A) Ideology is basically a set of beliefs and values that influences how we see the world and understand social and political issues. It helps us make sense of how societies should be organized and how people should interact with each other and the government. Our ideology affects our opinions on things like politics, economics, and social norms, guiding the choices we make and how we act.

B) For example, think about someone who feels that the government should step in to help reduce social inequalities and provide important services. This person is likely to have a progressive or liberal viewpoint. They might support things like universal healthcare and higher taxes on the wealthy because they believe these actions are essential for creating a fairer society and improving everyone’s quality of life.

C) Ideology is like the lens through which we view and make sense of our society. It influences not just how we see current events but also how we think about future changes and policies. For example, if we have a progressive mindset, we might advocate for social justice, environmental protection, and universal healthcare, believing these are key to creating a fairer and more equal society. On the other hand, if we lean towards a conservative outlook, we might focus on personal freedom, upholding traditional values, and making the economy more efficient, seeing these as essential for a stable and successful society. Essentially, our ideology helps us understand the world and guides how we want to shape it according to our values.

    2. The main difference between conservative and liberal ideologies is how each side views the government’s role and their approach to social issues. Conservatives generally want a smaller government that doesn’t interfere much with the economy. They believe in personal responsibility and think that a free market with fewer regulations helps businesses grow and encourages innovation. For example, conservatives might support lower taxes and fewer rules, believing that these changes will help the economy and create more opportunities. Liberals, on the other hand, often think the government should be more involved in addressing social problems and providing services. They might support higher taxes on the wealthy and more regulations to promote fairness and protect people. For instance, liberals might back universal healthcare and stricter environmental rules, believing these are important for making society fairer and helping those in need. A clear example of this difference can be seen in the healthcare debate. Conservatives might favor a system with private insurance and market competition, while liberals are more likely to support government funded options like Medicare for all, to ensure everyone has access to healthcare regardless of their income. According to Althusser, ideology is a set of ideas that helps maintain the current system by shaping how we see and react to the world. He argued that institutions like schools, media, and religious groups help spread these ideas and keep the existing social order in place. For instance, in political speeches and campaigns, there’s often a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and self reliance. Politicians frequently promote these ideas, suggesting that success in life and the economy depends solely on individual effort rather than systemic support. This approach keeps us focused on personal achievements and distracts us from considering broader, systemic issues. Essentially, it helps maintain the current economic and social system by directing our attention towards personal success.

    Melissa Robinson – Ideology

    1.Ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs that affect how people think about and interpret the world. It helps shape opinions on various topics like politics, society, and personal values. One example is two people debating the use of social media. One person might believe social media is a good thing that  helps us connect with others and stay updated, while the other might think it creates distractions, spreads misinformation, and harms mental health. Their differing views reflect their ideologies about technology and communication: one sees social media as a positive force, while the other views it as a negative influence. Their beliefs shape how they use or avoid social media and how they think others should interact with it.

    2. There is a big difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics. Liberal ideology believes that the government can solve all their problems and on the other hand conservative don’t want anything to do with the government in their business. For example in the first he said “American liberals believe that the government can help solve problems and a bigger government like a glorious soaring eagle can solve bigger problems and more.” More like higher taxes, minorities, women and the poor and equality. Also from the first video he said “ American conservatives believe that a large government poses a threat to individual liberty, and we prefer our national government to be as small as possible.” So this is saying that American Liberals strongly team up with the government and want all support from them. Well, American conservative don’t really want anything to do with the government and if they do need to team up they rather have a small party with them and not a larger one like the American liberals .

    3. I understand that ideology has a slightly different meaning now. Ideology has to do with reinforced and approved behaviors. One example that Althusser said in the video was “In the 20th century the concept of ideology changes and tones have a slightly different meaning. Ideology still means accepting beliefs that you believe without consciously knowing you believe them but here they are reinforced through expected and approved behaviors to make you a good subject and a future cog in a capitalist economy- so this would be more than capitalist ideology. Louis Althusser deFined two tapes of apparatus that controlled behavior. The first is called the repressive apparatus which controls you through the threat of violence including police, courts and prisons.But fear is not the primary motivator in most of our lives. As it turns out, being normal, being accepted, and belonging to a group are just as strong motivators. Here is where ideological apparatuses do most of the work so that the poles and courts only need to step in when they Fail to put people in their place. Ideological state apparatuses prevent change to the status quo and include schools, politics, and the mass media.” Althusser is saying now we have reinforced the system with police, courts and prisons. Our behaviors can lead us in coming across the police or get taken to court and lastly end up in prison. Ideology still has the same meaning just with prop up.

    Jessica Guinea Chamorro-Ideology In Politics

    1. Ideology is a collection of ideas, beliefs, and values that people hold that affect their ways of interpreting reality and making choices. It is a concept that people or organizations use to make sense of social, political, and economic phenomena. Ideologies run very much on a discourse level and inform how an individual would approach government, economics, social justice, and freedom.An example of ideology is a belief in the free market economy, which requires limited state involvement in the business sphere. Skeptics of this ideology believe people should be allowed to satisfy their self-interests because doing so will yield the most economic gains (Parenti, 2011). This belief system is evident in policies that advocate for less regulation, taxation, and spending on public welfare since the free market can better address these problems.Ideology only dictates how people perceive the world around them. It offers a perspective from which societies’ structures are filtered, assessed, and often judged. Ideologies are often used to reduce the immense complexity of society into narratives that are more inclined to specific values (CrashCourse, 2015). For instance, if the person holds conservative values, they might perceive welfare programs as defying self-reliance, while a socialist might see them as applicable to decreasing injustice. Ideologies influence decision-making processes, policies, and discussions in all spheres of social life.
    2. In the United States, conservative and liberal ideologies represent two major political stances. Conservative ideology presupposes that people should take personal responsibility for their choices, the government should be minimally involved in people’s and society’s affairs, and the free-market economy is the most effective. They also support national defense, anti-immigration sentiment, and property rights while vehemently opposing programs like universal healthcare for citizens, claiming it leads to bureaucracy (Parenti, 2011). On the other hand, liberals advocate for an enhanced participatory government in social responsibility and addressing the needs of citizens via health, learning, and welfare (CrashCourse, 2015). They highlight individual freedom, environmentalism, and equality; they consider health care a fundamental human right. Liberal values include equality and government regulation, while freedom and responsibility are conservative values.
    3. Ideology, according to Althusser, is a structural complex that serves as an ideological state apparatus that controls the minds of a specific social class through ideas and representations. In his opinion, ideology is a tool that supports the dominance of the ruling class in a capitalist society by establishing norms that perpetuate it (PlasticPills, 2019). In Althusser’s view, ideology is implicit primarily, working through such agencies of repression as the immediate family, schools, and the mass media, which help to construct subjects who ‘know their place’ in the social order and how to behave accordingly. An example of Althusser’s ideology is the education system, which, according to him, is aimed at molding members of society to fit a particular mode of being and become productive units in a capitalist economy. They consider that, as schools instill respect for authority, compliance with rules, and concerning achievement within the established economic architecture, they act as ‘ideological state apparatuses.’ Thus, one can see that through such institutions, people imbibe the ideology necessary for a capitalist society, which occurs unconsciously.

    Stephanie Maracayo – Ideology

    1. To me ideology is sets of beliefs that shapes how someone views or understands the world from what influences them. This can change the way they view political, cultural views and economic views. Ideology also provides individuals with guidance on how things should be organized based of what they believe in. An example that shows ideology shaping people’s views and differences is socialism and capitalism. Socialism seeks to create an equal society by having the government or community control and distribute resources while capitalism is an economic system where people own and control resources. Ideology provides guiding principles that helps people choose their stance with views in life. Everyone’s ideology is different from what they believe is right and how society should be organized.
    2. I believe the dividing line between conservatives and liberal ideology is that conservatives prefers limited government involvement when it comes to the economy. They also prefer to reduce government spending while liberals prefer the government to be more active in addressing social situations like providing services to individuals. One example that could be use is the different views they see in healthcare.
    3. Althusser believed that certain things like the media and school influenced people understanding on the social system and their behaviors towards it. For example schools may teach us certain things in order to change our views on different things.

    Safayatul Islam – Discussion 3.1

    1. In my view, Ideology is a set of beliefs, ideas, and values that people often use to identify someone’s political position, economic position, or societal preferences. The term ideology best describes why and when people tend to act in their best interests. Why do people sometimes take the initiative, and why sometimes don’t? Ideology helps people understand how individuals or groups view such components as culture, society, and power. It’s built on the idea of how a society should function. Ideologies influence social and political action by providing the “right” method to address issues such as justice, freedom, equality, and power.

     An example of Ideology can be stated as “Liberalism.” Liberalism values individual liberty, democratic governance, the rule of law, and free markets. It promotes personal liberty, such as freedom of speech and religion, while also supporting democratic institutions that originate political authority from the people. Economic liberalism advocates for little government intervention in the economy, believing that free markets produce wealth. The concept also emphasizes equal opportunity and human rights.

    Among the types of Ideology, Political Ideologies, Economical Ideologies, and Cultural or social Ideologies come first on the list. Ideologies influence people’s voting behavior and political debates or guide public policies. While ideas can provide leadership and unity, they may also be accused of being too harsh or dogmatic. People or movements that support a certain ideology may resist change or exaggerate complicated social and political issues.

    2. Conservative Ideology:  The Conservative ideology is basically highlighting its emphasis on self-reliance and property rights, where poverty is seen as a personal failing rather than a result of economic inequality. Here, they advocate for a minimal government, but they also want strong regulations. By strong regulation, they support severe prison sentences and more vigorous use of the death penalty and also support bans on gay marriage. They treat economic recession as a part of a natural cycle. They prefer the exportation of labor for a cheaper labor market. The conservatives tend to be more patriotic than the liberal ones.

    Liberal Ideology: Liberal ideology emphasizes the rule of law, equality, and individual freedom. It supports equal rights for all, democratic governance with accountability, and individual liberties like freedom of expression and religion. While liberty in the economy and limited government are valued by classical liberalism, modern liberalism supports the state’s active role in ensuring social justice, controlling the market, and resolving inequalities in sectors such as healthcare, education, and human rights. Along with secularism, human rights, tolerance, and a diverse society that values diversity and forward-thinking social development, liberals also support these factors.

    Conservative philosophy focuses on upholding cultural norms and encouraging individual responsibility while emphasizing tradition, stability, and minimal government involvement. Liberal ideology, on the other hand, prioritizes social progress, equality, and individual liberties. It frequently supports government intervention in resolving inequality and advancing social justice. Liberals support reform, diversity, and increased government involvement in social and economic issues, while conservatives often favor gradual change, free markets, and traditional values.

    3. Louis Althusser defined two types of apparatus that shape Ideology. One of them is called the Repressive State apparatus, and the other is called the Ideological State apparatus. The repressive state apparatus is based on people’s fear and controls people through the threats of police, courts, and prison. However, that fear cannot always move people away from their ideology. Sometimes, people are motivated by normal factors like being accepted or being a part of a group and being recognized. These are called Ideological state apparatuses. The repressive apparatus only steps in when the ideological apparatus fails to prevent people’s changes.

    Althusser’s theory of ideology focuses on how societal institutions, known as Ideological State Apparatuses, maintain the ruling class’s power by transforming people’s beliefs and behaviors. This makes people accept their social roles and the existing social order as normal. Unlike theories that view ideology just as a set of beliefs, Althusser sees it as a material practice deeply embedded in daily life that contributes to maintaining capitalist society’s institutions.

    In the case of examples of Louis Althusser’s Ideology example, we can come up with the example of the repressive state apparatus, which are courts, prisons, and police; and at the same time, the example of an ideological state apparatus can be defined as a school where children are being raised in a culture of obeying the rules and regulations. They also receive punishments if they do not comply with the law, such as not bringing homework, which can lead them to teacher coercion.