Yaroslava Volokh – Ideology

1. Understanding Ideology

Ideology is a system of beliefs and values that shapes our understanding of the world and guides our behavior and worldview. An example of ideology is capitalism.
Capitalism is an ideology that supports free markets and individual success as the path to prosperity. Ideologies also influence our concepts of right and wrong, shaped by culture and experience.

2. Conservative and Liberal Ideology in US Politics

Conservatives prioritize tradition, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention. Liberals focus on equality and social justice, advocating for “government responsibility” to reduce inequality.

3. Althusser’s Definition of Ideology

Althusser believed that ideology consists of subconscious ideas we live by, which reinforce existing social structures.
Schools not only provide knowledge but also instill the values of the dominant ideology, such as respect for authority, maintaining the status quo unnoticed by people.