Melissa Robinson

1.The Constitution was written by the upper class/middle class which means the wealthy, the ones that own land and property of their own/ property holders. Lower class weren’t allowed to be part of the process. 

2.The social class structure of early U.S society was different from now . Back then, everything and everyone were divided by groups . Lower class , middle class , high class . People weren’t allowed to vote only for certain people. Today , we have the right to vote no matter what class levels you are in and people have more opportunities.

3.Constitution we’re afraid of democracy because they were worried that lower class might team up and gain to much power. 

Melissa Robinson

  1. Faction reminds me of people’s beliefs and how everyone believes in something different. 
  2. According to Federalist #10, people that are wealthy by owning property are different in skills and their talents.”Facilities” refer to different skills people have. Everyone can’t make the same money or succeed. 
  3. I agree and disagree with the wealthy and poverty because it shows the opportunities that affect the wealthy. They don’t show the problem social can cause the poor people when they always butting the wealthy people first. 
  4. The core mission of the U.S government is to form “the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property, the possession of different degrees and kinds of property immediately results; and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views of the respective proprietors, ensues a division of the society into different interests and parties . .“ They are similar because today we have two  parties that divide us and they also had two parties that divide them.  
  5. I’m not surprised that Federalist #10 is not in favor of Democracy and supports Republicans because they don’t want everyone to vote and ignore the rights of the wealthy and minority. Showing us the different social class and how their power and decision making plays a big part

Melissa Robinson

M(money) The moment for capitalists to shine and buy workers to do their jobs and get money from them. 

C(Commodities) Is determined by the amount of social labor inherent in it, and its price is on monetary expression of the value. Exchanges cannot change the value of commodities. The building. Machines and equipment, raw materials, and labor power are purchased by the capitalist for the sum M,ect

M(Money) Capitalists buy the labor power of many works to sell the products they made for a higher value. The more labor work you do the less money you get. More time and more value and money for the capitalist. 

Melissa Robinson

Value is the amount of labor that is being put into a product like how many hours you work making that product. Something that costs more has more value because the more labor work you put into that product. Value-social construct that varies across circumstances & cultures. 

Labor and value are related because the more labor you put in a product the higher the value of the product is. (Time and effort) 

Labor power according to Marx is when you go to work you rent out your labor power for the day. Meaning like you now are working for yourself and for someone else. So say you are working on a product and it takes you 4 hours to do it and you work 9-5 the rest of the hours you  have left you are now working for someone and what you make how gose to them. Marx said “ You are alway being paid less than what your labor is actually worth.” Labor power owned by the capacity. Labor is the physical act of work. 

Surplus value is privately owned by the capitalist(someone you work for). Workers don’t get the full value for their labor work. Surplus value is what the person you work for gets for the product he or she sold from your labor the hours you just stood at work doing nothing because you are done with your work. All that labor hours gose to your boss. 

Melissa Robinson

1. Liberals disagree with social classes there is no point for it. It’s just another form of identity politics.  Socialists think that class is more than another identity you learn about racial and  gender. 

2.”First, class structures are built around a close form of dependency. Second, the basis of capitalist class power — their control over society’s productive assets — forces all of society into dependence on them.”

3.“First, the fact that everyone else in society exists in a state of dependence on capitalists means that other forms of oppression are intimately bound up with class power — and so confronting them inevitably requires confronting the power of the capitalist class. Second, and relatedly, the socialist view of class tells us something crucial about where the kind of power that is capable of undoing various forms of oppression is located.”

Melissa Robinson

1.Employees work for what they do but also have other work for them. 

“Along with factory and service workers, the employee class also includes professionals and managers who in income, education, and lifestyle tend to be identified as”middle ” or”upper-middle” class. Company managers and executives are employees whose task is to extract more value-producing per- formance from other employees.”

“The distinction between owners and employees is blurred somewhat by the range of incomes within both classes. “Owners” refer to both the fabulously wealthy stockholders of giant corporations and the struggling proprietors of small stores.”

Owners don’t really work for their fortunes. 

“The secret to great wealth is not to work hard but to have others work hard for you. This explains why workers who spend their lives toiling in factories or offices retire with relatively little if any funds to speak of, while the owners can amass considerable fortunes.”

2.Basically that labor force is what drives how much and how many there are of things, such as goods and services I think Like the value of things can only be determined by people who make it I think

3.My main thought in class is not an identity. I disagree. I believe that class has identity. Student get label by races, skin color, background etc

4.Close from dependency in the class would be the teachers in the classroom. For example, when the student needs something the teacher is always there. Students depend on the school staff and teacher. 

    Melissa Robinson – Ideology

    1.Ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs that affect how people think about and interpret the world. It helps shape opinions on various topics like politics, society, and personal values. One example is two people debating the use of social media. One person might believe social media is a good thing that  helps us connect with others and stay updated, while the other might think it creates distractions, spreads misinformation, and harms mental health. Their differing views reflect their ideologies about technology and communication: one sees social media as a positive force, while the other views it as a negative influence. Their beliefs shape how they use or avoid social media and how they think others should interact with it.

    2. There is a big difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics. Liberal ideology believes that the government can solve all their problems and on the other hand conservative don’t want anything to do with the government in their business. For example in the first he said “American liberals believe that the government can help solve problems and a bigger government like a glorious soaring eagle can solve bigger problems and more.” More like higher taxes, minorities, women and the poor and equality. Also from the first video he said “ American conservatives believe that a large government poses a threat to individual liberty, and we prefer our national government to be as small as possible.” So this is saying that American Liberals strongly team up with the government and want all support from them. Well, American conservative don’t really want anything to do with the government and if they do need to team up they rather have a small party with them and not a larger one like the American liberals .

    3. I understand that ideology has a slightly different meaning now. Ideology has to do with reinforced and approved behaviors. One example that Althusser said in the video was “In the 20th century the concept of ideology changes and tones have a slightly different meaning. Ideology still means accepting beliefs that you believe without consciously knowing you believe them but here they are reinforced through expected and approved behaviors to make you a good subject and a future cog in a capitalist economy- so this would be more than capitalist ideology. Louis Althusser deFined two tapes of apparatus that controlled behavior. The first is called the repressive apparatus which controls you through the threat of violence including police, courts and prisons.But fear is not the primary motivator in most of our lives. As it turns out, being normal, being accepted, and belonging to a group are just as strong motivators. Here is where ideological apparatuses do most of the work so that the poles and courts only need to step in when they Fail to put people in their place. Ideological state apparatuses prevent change to the status quo and include schools, politics, and the mass media.” Althusser is saying now we have reinforced the system with police, courts and prisons. Our behaviors can lead us in coming across the police or get taken to court and lastly end up in prison. Ideology still has the same meaning just with prop up.

    Melissa Robinson

    1. Repressive State Apparatus is when punishment starts to play a role and by that is when you break a rule or the law you go to prison.  I quote “ You have two choices: you can accept authority and discipline or if you don’t accept it when the repressive apparatus begins to take away your corporeal freedom, detention or prison. Of course this is not a real choice but this lesson is preparing for the rest of your life in which you’ll continue to have no real choice .” This is saying that if you don’t accept authority that your freedom would be taken away , end up in prison and even detention.

    2. Ideological State Apparatus are the law/ rule makers that make the rules that we follow growing up and the ones we follow on a daily basis I would say. I quote “ Ideological apparatuses do most of the work so that the police and courts only need to step in when they fail to put people in their place. Ideological state Apparatuses prevent change to the status quo and include schools,politics and the mass media.” 

    3. Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses are different from each other and maybe ways. Repressive plays a part when it comes down to people disobeying the law. Ideological are the ones that follow the rules . Here is an example of Ideological,” Ideological state apparatus because they are mandatory,”No other ideological state apparatus has the obligatory audience of the totality of children in the capitalist social formation, eight hours a day for five or six days.-Althusser” An example of Repressive apparatus begins to take away your corporeal freedom, detention or prison. Of course this is not a real choice but this lesson is preparing you for the rest of your life in which you’ll continue to have no real choice.”

    4.Ideological State Apparatuses shape our beliefs and values without using force. These include things like schools and media.

    “In school you are taught to follow a strictly regimented schedule seven or eight hours of lessons broken up by an hour of leisure: always the same everyday. You are taught to submit to authority, to obey, not to speak out of turn, to share your pencils, to clean up after yourself and to raise your hand if you wish to speak.”