1.Traditional wars involve a physical battle between two groups in a specific place and target . In P.Williams essay she explained that war on terror is a new type of war because is a battle of hate ,The conflict is not about a country but about a group of unidentified people that are labeled as your enemy to your personal ideology .In my opinion this can be a bit racist or absurd since this can target a specific race. For example,after 9/11 many people see arabians as threats just because a specific group of arabians decided to attack a country . War on terror is a never ending war because people judge individuals with different ideologies than them, sometimes even see those people as a threat.
2.The roving wiretaps violate the 4th amendment because the 4th amendment protects a citizen from having unreasonable searches . Roving wiretaps is a warrant that an law enforcement officer obtains to “hack” your device but generally not only your device but in fact any device that has your both since some people tend to have more than one device.Therefore, roving wiretaps violates the 4th amendment because surveillance a person’s everymove without a probable cause.
3. The “sneak and peek” warrant violates the 4th amendment because the 4th amendment protects the right of a citizen to be present during a search or being notified on time of search . The sneak and peek warrant gives law enforcement officers the ability to search your house without you being there meaning that they don’t have to notify you immediately.