1. The United States federal system of government creates a unique dynamic in the role of citizens and the division of power compared to other systems like confederations or unitary governments. In a federal system, citizens participate in governance at multiple levels, electing representatives to federal, state, and local offices. This multi-tiered structure provides more opportunities for political engagement and allows citizens to appeal to different levels of government for policy changes. In contrast, confederations emphasize state-level engagement with limited national government power, while unitary systems centralize authority and citizen interaction primarily at the national level.

    2. The U.S. system of divided power is characterized by both horizontal and vertical separation. Horizontally, power is distributed among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. On the other hand, vertically, it is shared between federal and state governments. The Constitution enumerates specific federal powers, reserves others for the states, and establishes concurrent powers shared by both levels. This complex arrangement, coupled with a system of checks and balances, aims to prevent the concentration of power and protect individual liberties.

    3. The federal government influenced the actions of New York state and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic in several key ways:

    1. Federal Funding: The federal government provided crucial financial support that enabled state and local response efforts. For example, on March 3, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed into law a $40 million emergency management authorization for New York’s coronavirus response. Later, the state received federal CARES Act funding to support various initiatives, including $65 million for childcare providers and $4.3 million for emergency management agencies.
    2. Federal Agency Guidance: Agencies like the CDC and FDA played an important role in shaping state policies. For instance, New York worked with the CDC to develop criteria for identifying and responding to COVID-related illnesses in children. The FDA granted New York labs more flexibility to begin patient testing, which helped expand the state’s testing capacity.
    3. Federal Resource Deployment: The federal government deployed personnel and medical resources to support New York’s efforts. This included sending the U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort to New York Harbor and having the Army Corps of Engineers help set up emergency hospital sites.
    4. National Strategy Influence: Governor Cuomo frequently called on the federal government to provide clearer national strategies on issues like testing and reopening criteria. While states maintained significant autonomy, these calls for federal leadership influenced the state’s approach and highlighted the need for coordination between federal and state efforts.
    5. Travel and Border Policies: Federal decisions on international travel restrictions and screening protocols at ports of entry affected how New York, particularly New York City, managed the influx of potentially infected individuals.

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