1. The concept of “faction” reminds me of the concept of “class” as we have been discussing. James Madison expresses his thoughts on controlling these factions. He states that we cannot destroy liberty which they claim this country in built on, but instead we should have the illusion of liberty by controlling the effects of of the faction. 
  2. According to James Madison in Federalist #10 the source of wealth are the “faculties” of men. I believe when Madison refers to faculties he is referring to many things. I believe that he is referring to opportunity, gender and race. It seems as though Madison believes that it is his right and the right of the white men who were born into wealth to remain that way. He is opposed to the idea of the working class obtaining any of this rights to wealth. 
  3. I do not agree with this explanation of wealth and poverty because I believe that this is a country of liberty and freedom and that anyone should have the the right to gain wealth and also be protected from the upper class who aim to exploit those who are climbing that ladder.
  4. According to Federalist #10 the core mission of the U.S government is to protect those of the upper class who are wealthy. To protect the upper class from the working class. Madison proposes we do this by controlling the effects of the democracy. “From the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property” In other words to protect the Lower and working class from acquiring wealth and property. This should not be the governments core mission because this is supposed to be the land of the free where everyone comes to have equal opportunities.
  5. Madison would not agree with a democracy because this would give everyone equal opportunity and allow the lower and working class to have a say in the major decisions that impact the people of the government as a whole.

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