
1. Ideology is based upon individuals or groups of people and their beliefs, ideology is the what separates them from one another, and makes it possible for everyone to have their own ideology or follow ideologies that closely align with their values. An example of this would be the way our voting system works and the beliefs and values between the people in the United States. For example people vote for a president which best fits their values in terms of economic, social, environmental, safety, etc. There are people who are liberal and there are people who are conservative, each group of people have their own beliefs and values, or are placed within those groups based on having similar ideology. Ideology is a set of ideas and principles that separate groups of people and or organizations or even countries from one another. For example, the US is different from North Korea based on their values and the way the government tends to control their citizens, in the US people tend to choose and are allowed the freedom of having who they want leading them, this goes for neighborhoods, boroughs, states and the entire country, many may not agree with one another but there is a fair chance. Unlike North Korea where one person is in charge of everything and the likelihood of that outcome changing is difficult, that ideology of only one person or family being in charge and successors of one another, making it difficult and harsh for the citizens.
2. Conservatives value liberty, while liberals value equality. Conservatives prioritize themselves given that they tend to support a strong military, which protects the wellbeing of the country, so they are protected. Liberals, on the other hand, do not mind higher taxes since the money is going to necessary social programs which benefits minorities, a big chunk of the population in the US.

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