Keep in mind our Online Discussion Guidelines:

Instructions for completing this discussion board assignment:

a) Identify which discussion question you are answering in your comment by placing the relevant number at the start of your answer. For example:

2. Crime has often been used as a form of social control by…

4. Michelle Alexander’s argument about segregation…

b) Respond to one other student’s comments.

NOTE: As usual, follow the guidelines from previous discussion board assignments, in answering by creating a new post…

  1. Do you notice any similarities in the way social class is discussed in readings 4.1 and 4.2? Do you notice any differences in the way these two readings DIFFERENTIATE between social classes?
  2. Pick the station closest to where you live. Using the concepts from Reading 4.1, what social class tends to live in your neighborhood? Are you surprised (or not) by the answer? Do you feel it is an accurate representation of the people living in your neighborhood?
  3. Based on Reading 4.2, do you notice a general pattern about social classes in NYC?

4 thoughts on “Discussion Board 4.1

  1. 2.I live in the South Bronx, and the closest train station to me is 3rd ave 149st. The social class that tends to live in my neighborhood would be considered lower class. This is because 3rd ave 149st is located in the south part of the bronx, which is also the poorest part of the Bronx. Im not surprised that the majority of people around my neighborhood would be categorized as lower class since most either live in the projects, or in very cheap apartments, and most of the people either work at best regular day to day jobs (in restaurants and various types of different stores, whether it be clothing, hardware, bodegas, etc.). A good amount of people also get government assistance. I believe that the social class is an accurate representation of the people living in the neighborhood since apart from a few outliers, the majority are very poor living paycheck to paycheck always trying to make ends meet.

    1. I live in the Bronx too, and I see the same things you do about the area around 3rd Ave and 149th St. There are not many good jobs, housing isn’t great, many people depend on government help, and a lot of folks are living in poverty. Overall, this shows that the community has a lot of tough problems related to money and class.

  2. 1-Both readings speak about social elegance and how a few humans have greater or much less than others. They examine such things as money, education, and what society thinks about humans to recognize this better. In primary studying, they discover social elegance through searching at private testimonies and culture. In the second one studying, they use the subway gadget in New York to expose how social elegance works. Both readings explain how social elegance influences regular lifestyles. The first makes a specialty of how humans experience approximately themselves primarily based totally on their elegance, even as the second suggests how the subway can hold exclusive social training apart. The first study uses more extraordinary thoughts and emotions to research things, while the second one, studying, appears to be real-life examples, like how public transportation can separate humans. They may use surveys and interviews to acquire statistics for their analysis.

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