Wal-mart stores inc v. Dukes Anivel espinal Fernandez
What did the Supreme Court decide in the Wal-Mart case? And more importantly, how did it justify its decision? (HINT: the key word here is “commonality” (and how it related to “class-action lawsuit”). Try to understand what this legal terms means, as it is key to the court’s decision). In the War-mart v. Dukes case, the U.S. supreme court ruled against the plaintiff .The U.S. The Supreme Court claimed that Betty Dukes and the other women didn’t meet the requirements for the class action lawsuit due to not following rule 23 of the federal rules of civil procedure . The U.S. Supreme Courtount found that this women lacked the “commonality” required for the lawsuit since this women problems weren’t all allied and consisted .Therefore, to have a good class action lawsuit the plaintiffs should have a “commonality”.However , the plaintiffs did share one problem which was sex discrimination ,but this women had different experiences working at Wal-mart. According to the plaintiff , their “commonality” was their experiences of sex discrimination and men favoritism within the Wal-Mart company but all of the women did not share the same problem . Due to this the U.S. supreme court decided not to move forward with the lawsuit.