1.The United states it’s a very diverse country filled with multiple religions .The establishment clause within the 1st amendment generally means that in the United States it’s prohibited to favor or show a religion of preference . The favoritism can lead to chaos and conflict between the people of the United States .For example , if the United States promoted a catholic religion people would see this religion as a superior religion.The lemon test is used to determine if the government violated the establishment clause .
2.No, the United States flag is not protected by the first amendment after Texas v. Johnson case since the first amendment protects our symbolic speech . In fact, The burning of the united states flag is controversial since it shows a form of disrespect towards the united states but also it was marked as unconstitutional since this protestor rights had to be protected .Even Though the burning of the flag seems offensive for some people the court made it clear that the defendant form of expression had to be protected no matter if it was offensive .
3.When a person says “i’m taking the fifth “ it means that they will stay quiet and not respond to anything since it can incriminate the defendant .However , for most criminals would say that they desire to speak with their attorney before making a statement .The fifth amendment is important to protect legal incrimination.