Hi class,

I have finished grading your first exams. Couple of things to keep in mind.

  1. If you wrote your email address on your exam paper, you should have received a link to your graded exam, whereby you can view your grade and my comments.
  2. If you DID NOT receive such an email with a link to your graded exam, that means you forgot to write you email address on your exam paper, and thus I was unable to email you. If you want to see your graded exam, email me and let me know.
  3. IMPORTANT: The First Exam can be rewritten for a higher grade. If you would like to rewrite your exam, please go ahead and do so. Upload it, and send me an email letting me know that you’ve rewritten your exam.
  4. NOTE: Exam responses that contained 1-3 sentences lost credit. You are expected to write more than that on your exam. Each question should be in paragraph(s) form. Please ensure that you don’t submit any rewritten responses that contain 1-3 sentences…
  5. If you have any questions about your exam, or if you don’t see a grade for your exam on your Brightspace class page, please let me know.

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