1. Based on the arguments presented in Readings 6.1 and 6.2, which social class wrote the Constitution, and which class was excluded and not allowed to participate in this process? In your comment, make sure you clearly specify the difference between the two classes by giving examples from the readings.

The Constitution was written by the wealthy elite, such as landowners and merchants, who wanted to protect their interests. The working class, including farmers and laborers, was largely excluded from the process and had no real influence.

2.Would say that the social class structure of early United States society, was the same as ours today, or different? Explain.

Honestly, the social class structure has changed a lot since then. Back in early America, you had a strict divide between the rich and the poor. Nowadays, there’s a larger middle class and more opportunities for people to move up, but we still deal with wealth inequality. So, while we’ve made some type of progress, the gap between the wealthy and everyone else is still a big issue.

3.Why were the people who wrote the Constitution so afraid of democracy? Hint: think about how to answer this question by discussing it in terms of social classes.

The people who wrote the constitution that were afraid of democracy because they thought giving too much power to an average person could threaten their wealth and status. They worried about “mob rule,” where the majority could overpower the elite. So, they created a system with checks and balances to make sure their interests were protected, reflecting their fear of losing control.

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