1.based on the arguments in readings 6.1 and 6.2 i noticed that social class haven’t changed as much as we expected . In 1787 times were more excluded and people were only seen of value or “worthy of power” if they had property and due to those times economic inequalities and the exploitation of slaves the right to vote was divided into 2 parts .The low income or working class at the time were described as slaves,servants,men with no property, and even women ; this people with economic disadvantages were taken away the right to vote because they “didn’t have talent of getting rich”. On the other hand the social class that were allowed to participate were the upper class “capitalist” before capitalist even existed .Men who had property were seen like the master minds and the only people who had a right to have a say on the process of writing the constitution .

2.In my opinion times have changed of course due to many equality movements in the past leading to women no longer being excluded or seen as less .In the other hand, society haven’t changed as a whole because we can all agree that upper class or capitalist have a bigger say in the country specially when it comes to politics for example in my opinion the special interest groups have a bigger impact in the united states than voters .

3. Generally ,The people who wrote the constitution were afraid of democracy because they were afraid that the people with lower intellectual economic abilities will have an opinion meaning they no longer could get exploited and manipulated into thinking they’re less .Also Real property holders economy relied on slavery and the only way for them to stay economically stable was to manipulate and explode the “working class or lower income “ meaning those people with economic disadvantages like slaves,women,men with no property , and etc..

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