1.video 5.1 shows that production and labor are the main source of wealth in this situation.production is the key tool for example factories,machines,and materials needed to produce something. On the other hand, labor is the only thing that can increase the value of a product because that is the work that is being put into creating the product. For example, in a makeup factory the labor is the cosmetic scientist and the means of production are the sources you need to create the makeup.
2.What makes something valuable is the amount of labor that is being put into a product .Marx emphasizes that a product value is measured by how much labor it takes to produce a product under normal circumstances .The more labor it takes the higher the value.
3.According to marx theory the value is distributed according to the labor (time and effort).Labor and value are related because you get value from labor .The more effort it takes to produce a product the higher the value.
4.The difference between labor and labor is the key concept in Marx theory .Labor power is simply the capacity a person has to work as it’s mentioned on video 5.1 marx explains that labor power is the hours a worker puts for themselve . Meanwhile labor refers to the physical work that a worker has done .
5.surplus value is privately owned by the capitalist(your boss) . surplus value is the main evidence that capitalism is exploitative towards the workers . workers don’t get the full value for their labor because workers basically get 50%.Surplus value is what your boss get for the product he sold from your labor.