1. Faction reminds me of political parties because both have groups that share the same interests, it also prevents one group from gaining to more power than the other.
  2. according to James Madison the source from private property which started from the diversity in the faculties of men, this meant that individuals had creativity and talent. The difference explains why certain people can become wealthy while others stay in the lower class.
  3. I do believe that hard work and talent can bring wealth and success but it depends on how much effort you put into your hard work, but I can also see how inequality and things like discrimination can affect your wealth and success.
  4. the core mission of the u.s government is to protect property rights and individual liberties. I think it’s different from today society because now people expect the government to address broader issues.
  5. It’s not surprising that federalist #10 opposes pure democracy in favor of a republican (representative) government because James Madison feared that democracy could lead to the lower class prioritizing their interest over property rights.

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