Anastasios Katehis Discussion Board 3.2 Response State Apparatuses & Ideology
There are two different types of state apparatuses, being Repressive State Apparatuses and Ideological State Apparatuses. First of all, Repressive State apparatuses consist mostly of justice academies and federal administrations, such as the FDA, DEA, IRS, and more. Repressive State Apparatuses don’t necessarily force ideologies onto society, nevertheless they do enforce rules and regulations in hopes for the world to function in harmony to their satisfaction.
On the other hand, Ideological State Apparatuses do explain and force ideologies onto you in many different forms. These forms include, but are not limited to: multiple forms of social media, such as Instagram, and regular media, such as radio shows or even forms of news broadcasting such as CNN.
When understanding the two State Apparatuses, it is absolutely vital to know the difference between the two State Apparatuses, being that Repressive enforces rules and regulations while Ideological enforces various forms of Ideologies.
There are many different Ideologies out there in the world that shape society as we know it. One example of an Ideology I could give you that also heavily impacts our modern world would be Racism. This Ideology was a result of a mix of both Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses working hand in hand. For instance, as the media and local government spread the ideology of Racism, the local law enforcement agencies made sure it was in effect using methods such as segregation.