The MCM movement of exchange was created not with the intention to consume items or goods personally, but with the intention to buy and resell at a higher value in order to gain profit. Capitalists are able to maintain and increase their wealth by using productive forces of the factory. As stated in Pierre Jalee’s “How Capitalism Works” capitalists use their buildings, machines and equipment, raw materials and labor power, which all costs money (M) to mass produce a certain quantity of manufactured goods. This is the commodity (C), to resell these manufactured items which are already valued at (M’) before they even leave the factory. Capitalists are able to sell them at a higher costs than it required to create and manufacture them through labor power of their employees. They are able to get maximum productivity out of one person in the 8 hour work day by paying them only a portion of what they would make in value in a day. The employee still has to be clocked in for the rest of their shift, causing the employee to perform unpaid labor also known as surplus labor. The product of surplus labor is surplus value, which is the product of capitalist exploitation. Without surplus value the capitalists could not have come into being, nor could they survive. This is how the rich stay rich, they exploit their employees for their time and have them produce as much as they can to make the owner of the companies more money.