1. Repressive State Apparatus is when punishment starts to play a role and by that is when you break a rule or the law you go to prison.  I quote “ You have two choices: you can accept authority and discipline or if you don’t accept it when the repressive apparatus begins to take away your corporeal freedom, detention or prison. Of course this is not a real choice but this lesson is preparing for the rest of your life in which you’ll continue to have no real choice .” This is saying that if you don’t accept authority that your freedom would be taken away , end up in prison and even detention.

2. Ideological State Apparatus are the law/ rule makers that make the rules that we follow growing up and the ones we follow on a daily basis I would say. I quote “ Ideological apparatuses do most of the work so that the police and courts only need to step in when they fail to put people in their place. Ideological state Apparatuses prevent change to the status quo and include schools,politics and the mass media.” 

3. Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses are different from each other and maybe ways. Repressive plays a part when it comes down to people disobeying the law. Ideological are the ones that follow the rules . Here is an example of Ideological,” Ideological state apparatus because they are mandatory,”No other ideological state apparatus has the obligatory audience of the totality of children in the capitalist social formation, eight hours a day for five or six days.-Althusser” An example of Repressive apparatus begins to take away your corporeal freedom, detention or prison. Of course this is not a real choice but this lesson is preparing you for the rest of your life in which you’ll continue to have no real choice.”

4.Ideological State Apparatuses shape our beliefs and values without using force. These include things like schools and media.

“In school you are taught to follow a strictly regimented schedule seven or eight hours of lessons broken up by an hour of leisure: always the same everyday. You are taught to submit to authority, to obey, not to speak out of turn, to share your pencils, to clean up after yourself and to raise your hand if you wish to speak.”

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