1.The connection between “whiteness” and racism lies in the historical and social systems that have privileged white individuals while marginalizing people of color. Whiteness has been associated with power, privilege, and superiority, leading to systemic racism that disadvantages non white individuals. This has resulted in inequalities in areas such as education, employment, and criminal justice, perpetuating racial disparities in society.

2. Ruth Gilmore argues that the criminal justice and prison system contribute to the creation of new “criminals” through various mechanisms such as harsh sentencing policies, biased policing practices, and limited access to resources for rehabilitation and reintegration. By disproportionately targeting marginalized communities, especially people of color, the system perpetuates cycles of incarceration and criminalization. l agree with Gilmore’s view as research has shown that structural inequalities within the criminal justice system contribute to the over representation of certain groups in the prison population.

3. Prof. Gilmore refers to the collective efforts and movements aimed at dismantling oppressive systems and structures to achieve social, political, ana economic justice. This involves challenging power dynamics, advocating for equality and human rights, and working towards a more inclusive and equitable society. Liberation struggle encompasses various forms of activism, such as grassroots organizing, advocacy campaigns, and protests, all geared towards challenging and transforming oppressive systems for the betterment of all individuals.

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