1. In the Federal system, the authority is divided between states and the national government. The federal system is the one followed by our nation, where citizens vote for their leaders, are intended to participate in a jury, etc. Citizens vote for their senators, their presidents according to this type of system. 

In a Confederation system citizens have most power because this type of system the authority is under the States and the National Government. The primary objective of citizens within this type of system is the right to vote for their representatives.

In a Unitary system, citizens are in most of the cases not involved in decisions, that means that the central government is in charge of the decisions that are made. An unitary type of system the national government is the authority, followed by the states. 

2. I think that the division of power is a way that in my opinion helps to organize a nation’s structure. It is a form to divide the variations of branches and institutions that a country is conformed by. In our case, the United State’s division of power is divided in 3 branches as it was explained in the video for this module. We have the Legislative power, the Executive power, and the Judicial power. I believe that this organization helps our country to divide by institutions the different matters of our government. 

3. The federal government often shapes the actions of the state and the local government in certain ways. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government shaped the actions of both local and state by taking grants to help citizens to go through the confinement. In 2020 the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent out three rounds of direct checks payments to Americans to get through the pandemic. According to the U.S Department of treasury, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 “provided Economic Impact Payments of up to $1,400 for eligible individuals or $2,800 for married couples filing jointly, plus $1,400 for each qualifying dependent, including adult dependents”. This is a perfect example of how the federal government influenced actions not only of the NY but all across our nation during the COVID-19/

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