Welcome to POL 100! In this first discussion board of our course, let’s introduce ourselves to each other, by doing the following:

  1. Create your introduction by entering text in the comments box below. When you finish writing your introduction, click the “POST COMMENT” button. In your introduction, tell us your name, what is your major (if you have chosen one), as well as a bit about yourself. Things you might consider sharing include: what are you interested in studying at BMCC, what are your plans after BMCC, interests that you have, etc.
  2. After entering your own post, respond to at least one classmate by elaborating on something that they wrote that resonated and connected with you.

53 thoughts on “Discussion Board 1: Class Introductions

  1. Hey guys, I’m Nuri Shin, thrilled to be joining this class for my final semester at BMCC. A little about me as a non-traditional student in my 30s: I took a significant break from Baruch, spanning over a decade, and made my way back to school last year. Currently, I’m working as a Senior Corporate Securities Paralegal in Midtown for Hedge Fund and also preparing for the law school which I expect to attend in 2 years after transferring to City College next semester as a Political Science major.

    I’m really looking forward to rounding out my legal knowledge from this class by gaining foundational knowledge of our government structure, so I decided to take this class before my transfer to City College.

    That’s a little about me. I’d love to hear about you too!

    1. Hi Nuri!! Congratulations on making it to your last semester at BMCC!! I read that you work as a Paralegal Senior Corporate, that is great. I also thought that is a little bit connected to my major too which is CJ. I’m glad to read that even though, you took a break from college, you got back to complete your degree. You go girl!! It was nice to read your introduction post, loved your profile pic as well!!

  2. Hello guys!! My name is Gabriela Gonzalez, and I’m 20 years old. This is my second semester here at BMCC. About me: I’m an extrovert soul that loves making friends and talking (a little bit too much though lol). I’m doing Criminal Justice as my major, and after completing my credits here at BMCC, I’m planning to transfer to a 4 year college! I’m interest to learn a lot in this class since I don’t know that much about the US’s government. I moved to the States almost 2 years ago from the Dominican Republic with the main goal of get my bachelor here!

    With all that being said (told you guys that I talk a lot 🙂 I’m so excited to start this semester, and I’m ready to know a little bit about y’all!!

    1. Hey, Gabriela, I enjoyed your comment I could feel the energy behind it and everything. It’s cool we also have the same goal to transfer to a 4- year college and get our bachelor’s degree. Also, you’re not alone about not knowing a lot about the US government I lived here my whole and still only know the bare basics. So hopefully you and I can get to learn a lot of new information about the US government.

    2. Hi Gabriela 🙂
      It’s amazing how you just moved to the States only 2 years ago but gearing yourself for a degree. For your major, I heard John Jay has a good program in case you didn’t know already. Wishing you the best of luck this semester!

    3. Hi Gabriela
      I am a talker too LOL!! I’m also planning on going to a four year college after doing my two years here. Honestly, the US government is a very interesting thing especially learning about it I have a feeling you will enjoy the facts about it!

  3. Hi everyone, my name is Mallory Rodriguez-Martinez. My major is Childhood Education and my goal is to become an Art teacher. Last semester was my first year in school in 16 years. I am 35 years old, a mother and wife, and just starting on my college path. Adapting to these new ways of learning has been a challenge but I have done pretty well, so far. In high school, I was interested in political science, so I look forward to seeing what this class has to offer.
    I wish everyone a great semester and nice to meet all of you!

    1. Hi Mallory, nice to meet you. We do have somethings in common as for being a mom, wanting to work with children, and being in our 30s. I hope you have a successful semester not only in this class but in all your other classes as well.

    2. Hi Malloy 🙂
      I’m also 35 years old hahaha. I’m very proud of you as a full-time mom going forward with your education! Queens College has an excellent education program in case you want to aim for Bachelor’s. I have couple of friends working as teachers in both private and public schools and they seem pretty content with their work life balance as well.

    3. Hi Mallory, I graduated from high school in 2007 and my first semester back in school was Fall 2022. I was extremely nervous about coming back to school after all these years because I didn’t think school was for me but now that I am back and I know exactly what I want to do I am enjoying it so much more. Wishing you all the best in your journey and this semester!

    4. Hi Mallory! I’m also around your age (30) and aiming to become a teacher as well! It’s been a challenge for me as well to adapt to how technologically based even most in-person classes are, though it’s also refreshing! There are some aspects of how classes are run at BMCC that, if classes were run that way when I was in middle or high school, I would have had a better time.
      I love that your goal is to become an art teacher! I considered the same, and may still consider it for a Master’s after a standard elementary teaching certificate. Do you have a specific age range you’re hoping to work with?

    5. Hey Mallory, I have been out of class for a couple years so adapting back to school was odd first but after a while I feel like I’ve become more comfortable. One semester at a time and it’ll come so easy. Hope you have a great semester.

  4. Hello everyone, my name is Lathisha Reece. I’m a mother of 2 little girls and my major is early childhood education. I have 2 more semesters at BMCC. Once I graduate, I would like to transfer to Medgar to obtain my bachelor’s degree and also open my own daycare. I have worked in early childcare for over 12 years and would like to experience being the lead teaching in a daycare because I love infants and toddlers.
    It’s nice to meet all of you and really excited so see what this class has to offer.

    1. Hi Lathisha! i also have two more semesters left at BMCC. I think its amazing that you want to open your own daycare, i am more than sure that you will accomplish this goal. I hope you have a great semester

  5. Hello everyone, my name is Jocelyn Pena. I am 21 years old, and my major is bilingual childhood education. After graduating from BMCC I am hoping to transfer to a 4 year school to get my bachelors. In the future i am hoping to continue my education and major in speech pathology. I am very excited to be part of this class, i’ve always found politics interesting, and i specially enjoy watching debates so i am hoping we might get to learn a bit about important/impactful debates.
    I wish all of you guys a smooth and great semester!

    1. Hey Jocelyn,
      Nice to meet you! I’m Ishra. I’m 19, and I just switched to Criminal Justice. Your plans for bilingual childhood education and speech pathology sound awesome! I’m into action shows, but I’m looking forward to learning about politics and debates with you. Here’s to a great semester!

  6. Hello everyone, my name is Michelle Polanco. I’m currently a Pre-K teacher while also going to school. My major is Early Childhood Education. Teaching is my passion, it’s what I love to do. I love to read fiction books on my free time. If you know me, you know I am always reading a good book. I’m looking forward to finishing my associates degree and going on to getting my Bachelors. I also am a history nerd so classes like this are usually exciting!

    1. Hey Michelle! Being that teaching is your passion, It sounds like you are an amazing teacher. Teaching is tough and it’s awesome to know that you love what you do.
      Side note: Would you have any book recommendations? (I love a good mystery crime).

    2. Hi Michelle, I think it takes a very special individual to teach our youth. I hope even after you get your Bachelors that you continue to teach because the children need people like you who are passionate and dedicated in their future. Best of luck this semester!

  7. Hey everyone, my name is Brandon I’m 20 years old and as of right now I’m majoring in Liberal Arts. Something about me is that I’m mixed with Guyanese and Polish (yes I know a weird combo lol) and that I’m also trying to become a music producer as I love music so much. Hopefully, after leaving BMCC, I can get into a school with a music tech program and either try to minor in political science or have a double major in that or something related to the government.

    1. Hello, Brandon
      This is so cool. We have two things in common: I am majoring in Liberal Arts and love music. I am very passionate about music. I usually write and rap in my free time. Follow your dreams of becoming a music producer; always remember the sky is the limit. Good luck with furthering your studies.

  8. Hello! My name is Alejandra Mieles and I am majoring in Criminal Justice. This is my first year at BMCC, now starting my second semester. I plan on continuing my studies at BMCC for the next year and then moving on to my senior college for another 4 years. My overall goal is to pass that bar exam (TP) and become a corporate lawyer. Something I can say about myself as a person is that I am 24 years old with too many cats(not enough I should say). The total number of cats is 9 and I’m very proud of all of them. Another thing I would like to share is that although I am the ultimate cat lady, I still enjoy a good adventure outdoors, meeting new people, and learning mixology. It’s nice meeting you all, including Professor Arto Artinian, and I look forward to a successful semester.

    1. Hi Alejandra,

      I’m in Corporate Securities so feel free to let me know if you have any questions. As a refresher, it’s 2 year cc + 2 year senior college (not another 4 years) then you will need to take LSAT which is first and foremost for going to law school (3 years). After you obtain JD then you’re eligible to take the state bar but that doesn’t automatically get you to be a corporate lawyer but you get to practice law as a licensed attorney 🙂

  9. Hi guys! My name is Kayla i’m 19 years old, this is my second year at BMCC and I am majoring in Criminal Justice. I love animals (I live with 11 pets in total), my favorite color is pink, and my hobbies are journaling and building lego sets. I also love to shop and work. My main plan after graduating from BMCC is more than likely going to a university out of state and working for internships within my major.

  10. Heyyy guys!!! My name is kelsey. Im from brooklyn, my background is jamaican and i love to cook, play videogames, watch anime. i recently changed my major to psychology from nursing. Im interested in becoming either a social worker, HR manager, or health administration. i hope a psych degree can get me there lol. My plans for bmcc is to graduate by the end of this year or early next year. After bmcc i plan to attend Brooklyn yn college to major in psychology and minor in health and from then on think about either pursuing a LMSW degree or a industrial and organizational psychology masters degree.

  11. Hello classmates and Prof. Artinian. My name is Essence, and I am from Brooklyn. I am a returning student to BMCC, and this is my second semester. My major is public and nonprofit administration. After BMCC I plan to continue my education at LIU. I am excited to learn from you all this semester.

  12. Hiii everyone!!! My name is Sady and I am majoring in childhood education. I am from Queens and have two pet Chinchillas😊. This is my first semester at BMCC I plan on doing my two years here and then transferring over to Queens College to finish my degree. Once I have done my four years I would like to become an elementary school teacher at P.S. 149 which was my childhood elementary school. In this class, I will look forward to learning about the history of our political system.

    1. Hi Sady! Weirdly enough, I’ve only ever been to Queens for games & concerts despite living in NYC my whole life, hahaha. It takes real patience working with kids, I commend you for being an individual that is a part of molding a child’s brain & personality, as they are so impressionable at that age. Nice to virtually meet you!

    2. Hello my name is Sean Harris, and this is my third semester at BMCC, my current major is Digital Marketing but I plan on changing because I found an interest in human services.
      I always wanted to attain a career that would be helpful to other people on different capacities. I love to read and draw as a form of relaxation, I chose this class because I believe that it is very important to learn and know about the political aspect of any system or community where a person lives. I hope to learn as much as I can although I know that one semester of this course would not be able to touch on every aspect of politics I’m hopeful that I will gain more knowledge about our political system.

      Hello Sady, that is very commendable that you would choose to become a teacher, that is one of the most important careers for our society as learning and absorbing most of the important information happens at very early stages in a persons lifespan, I wish you great success on your journey towards your career choice.

    3. Hello Sady, that is very commendable that you would choose to become a teacher, that is one of the most important careers for our society as learning and absorbing most of the important information happens at very early stages in a persons lifespan, I wish you great success on your journey towards your career choice.

  13. Hi, Everyone

    My name is Dymytri Doricent. I am from Brooklyn, New York, and my nationality is Haitian. This is my fourth semester in college at BMCC, also majoring in liberal Arts, but I aim to become a respiratory therapist. I am the father of a beautiful daughter, she is four years old, her name is Alayna and she gives me the motivation to strive to be a better person. Also, one adventurous thing I did was parasailing. I never skydive, but it is on my to-do list.

  14. Hello class,

    My name is Lynette Boyd. I am from California but am now living in Brooklyn with my husband. I am Samoan. If you’ve never heard of it think of The Rock, Troy Polamalu or Tua Tagovailoa. This is my 2nd year at BMCC and I am a nursing major. I graduated from high school in 2007 and went straight into the work force. After years of working, I realized I wasn’t passionate about what I was doing and I was ready to go back to school to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. I am inspired by my niece to be the best version of myself because I want to show her that women who look like us can do more than just be housewives. I am excited to learn from all of you as well as our professor. Hope everyone has a great semester!

    1. Hi Lynette! I can relate immensely to your experience of entering the workforce right out of high school only to realize it wasn’t where your true passion is. Several of my closest friends are nurses and every day, I’m proud of them for their passion and drive as it’s a career that flourishes when you love what you do. For me, I went to work as a graphic designer for a decade before I fully realized I would rather be working as a teacher or school counselor than in the art field. It can be rough to switch gears, but it truly is rewarding to start on the path towards a career that makes you happy. I wish you the best of luck both in this class and towards reaching your dream!

  15. Hello everyone,

    My name is Jalice Boston. I am from Brooklyn, N.Y. This is currently my second year at BMCC. I first majored in Nursing last year but found that, that major is a little difficult and requires allot of attention. This semester, I’ve decided to change my major to Childhood Education. I have always had a love for teaching children and have always done so with my own little cousin. As a child, we would play “school” and I was always the teacher. I have always been told that I played a major roll in why she has always done really well in school. I figured, “why not make a career out of this”. I’ve also chosen this major because of my own children and seeing how they have struggled with certain things in school.

    1. Hello, Jalice, nice to meet you. It is a very brave thing to be able to change majors with determination and find a major that you like. I think you will be a very good teacher in the future.

    2. Hi Jalice, I understand I wanted to major in nursing. I was planning on being a pediatric nurse but I quickly changed my mind and chose human services at some point I also considered childhood education but I decided I wanted to stick to human services because I want to be a guide to children and be there in a safe place.

  16. My name is Jiaxin Li. My major is Computer Science and I am currently in my second semester. In fact, I haven’t found what I want to do in the future, so I plan to learn knowledge in college and also find my future goals. My current goal is to complete a two-year college at BMCC and then consider whether to pursue further studies.

  17. Hello everyone! My name is Nino, Im 20 years old. I am majoring in Digital Marketing after majoring in Finance. I quickly realized that was not the route for me no matter how good at math I am! I was born & raised in Brooklyn NY. I have hopes of graduating this year & obtaining my Bachelors in California, studying Public Relations or Marketing. I’ve always been fascinated with social media analytics & the creative process of marketing products. I’m excited for this course this semester!

  18. Hello my name is Sean Harris, and this is my third semester at BMCC, my current major is Digital Marketing but I plan on changing because I found an interest in human services.
    I always wanted to attain a career that would be helpful to other people on different capacities. I love to read and draw as a form of relaxation, I chose this class because I believe that it is very important to learn and know about the political aspect of any system or community where a person lives. I hope to learn as much as I can although I know that one semester of this course would not be able to touch on every aspect of politics I’m hopeful that I will gain more knowledge about our political system.

  19. Hi, my name is Lyza Gonzalez. I am majoring in Human Services. I am 19. This is my second semester and I am doing college from home. I want to be a social worker and counselor for kids. I have worked as a camp counselor before and I have volunteered at an after school working with kids. I enjoyed it and I want to make an impact in children’s lives. I have had some great counselors and I want to be and do the same.

  20. Hi, I’m Ishra Noor, currently in my second year at BMCC, where I’ve recently transitioned from a Business Management major to Criminal Justice. At 19, I’m on a journey of self-discovery and academic exploration.
    In my downtime, I find solace in the excitement of action shows and movies. The adrenaline rush and gripping narratives offer a welcome break from the rigors of college life. I’m eager to connect with fellow students and delve into the intriguing realm of Criminal Justice. Here’s to a compelling and fulfilling academic experience!

  21. Hello everyone! My name is Kitt Nivans and I am a childhood education major here at BMCC. I aim to transfer to either CCNY, Medgar Evers, or NYU for my bachelor’s to become an elementary school teacher, possibly with a focus on special education. Ultimately, I would like to pursue a Master’s and certification in being a School Counselor or Psychologist and chose to teach leading up to that because I want to have a solid understanding of what the current needs for students and teachers are. My dream is to be able to make a difference in the lives of kids wherever I end up after finishing college, in the same way that several teachers and counselors in my childhood had helped me.
    Aside from my passion for education, my hobbies include photography, crocheting, and most recently, putting together model kits. I’m also big into video games and saved up to buy a Steam Deck so that I could have a way to play my PC games without needing to sit at my computer after a long day of office work and online classes.
    It’s a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to working with you throughout the semester!

  22. Hi,my name is Tran Vo. I am majoring in computer science but i am still trying to figure things out. My goal is to transfer to Stony Brook for my bachelors. My dream job would be AI analyst, data scientist and cybersecurity agent. I love exploring the city and travel as a side hobby. I also enjoy playing video games. Nice to meet you guys and I hope this semester would go smooth for all of us!

  23. Hi. My name is Javon Mitchell and I major in sociology. I’m from Brooklyn and I’m into arts/creative things. Drawing, fashion music and things in that category.
    My plans are to just grown on my major as of right now because I feel like my interests changes so often. People of the tell me it’s okay to feel that way because I’m young but I’m just a layered person so I’m not sure just yet.

  24. Hi, my name is Maximilian Rodriguez-Situ and I’m in my last semester at BMCC. I’m from Forest Hills, Queens and I am transferring to Stony Brook as a Political Science major! I play games in my free time (Top 500 in Overwatch !) , and I love to travel and see new cultures!

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