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​​Beyond Likes: The Evolution of Social Media as a Knowledge Dissemination Powerhouse

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Dr. Stuart Brown suggests that the act of play can benefit various aspects of human development, including cognitive, social, and emotional skills (Brown, 2009). With information being vital for human function, it is crucial to consider how technology has contributed… Read More »​​Beyond Likes: The Evolution of Social Media as a Knowledge Dissemination Powerhouse

Jim Cianca, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The Technology Aspect of Play and Emotional Bonding in Children

Technology is a valuable tool in generating activities that can be utilized to boost cognitive growth, social, emotional, physical, and language development, and general well-being in children. By incorporating intelligence and communication ideas into their play, children can express their… Read More »The Technology Aspect of Play and Emotional Bonding in Children