

Hello! I’m Adrienne, I teach in the English Department here at BMCC. I’ve been experimenting a little bit with creating assignments that use different modalities besides the standard essay format, and I’m hoping to work on this a little bit more here. Renewable assignments are also something I have an interest in. The pandemic really led me to start rethinking and restructuring some of my classes as I had been mostly using the same assignments and syllabi for nearly a decade.

I’m also excited about a seminar series I am participating  in with BMCC and Hunter faculty that focuses on addressing issues related to racism, identity, and mental health in the classroom. Like this project, it also focuses on creating new assignments and pedagogical approaches.

This is the first summer that I have not had teaching or tutoring obligations, and I am using my time to focus on journalistic assignments. One of which involves reviewing a new book about the queer history of the suffragettes. It’s called Public Faces, Secret Lives: A Queer History of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

I plan to spend some of this summer on the beach on Long Beach Island and exploring the museums of Philadelphia and Washington DC.