
5 posts

Open Pedagogy Backward Design

Watch Read Read Chapter 1: Surfacing Backward Design from Small Teaching Online. Come to the next session ready to apply backward design to creating your open pedagogy assignment. The link above goes to the e-book chapter in one of our Library databases. Let us know if you have trouble logging in to read […]

OER Backward Design

Watch Read Read Chapter 1: Surfacing Backward Design from Small Teaching Online. Come to the next session ready to discuss using the backward design process in redesigning your course with OER. The link above goes to the e-book chapter in one of our Library databases. Let us know if you have trouble logging […]

What is open pedagogy?

To be completed by Tuesday, June 13. Watch the video below, in which Robin DeRosa and Rajiv Jhangiani introduce the idea of open pedagogy. The video is about one hour in length. The first three minutes are an introduction to the webinar series, so the video is cued to start […]

Reflection on Asset Pedagogies

To be completed before Tuesday, June 13, Zoom session. Culturally sustaining pedagogy and trauma-informed pedagogy, like open pedagogy, are asset-based pedagogies. As we discussed, asset-based practices focus on strengths of our students and their communities, rather than deficits. Before our next Zoom session: Read about culturally sustaining pedagogy; Read Mays Imad’s […]