OER/ZTC Course Redesign Schedule

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify current uses of asset-based pedagogies in courses, including culturally sustaining pedagogy and trauma-informed pedagogy
  • Design learning experiences with asset-based pedagogies
  • Apply universal design for learning to course assignments and activities
  • Use backward design to plan a class session or unit/module
  • Identify content/materials needed for learning outcomes and learning experiences by applying backward design
  • Find open educational resources (OER) for the content identified through backward design process
  • Feel confident in assessing fair use
  • Choose Creative Commons licenses for sharing own work

WEEK 1: Asset Pedagogies

**Prior to meeting Tuesday, June 6**

  • If you’re not yet a member of the OpenLab (BMCC’s virtual campus), complete the sign up process (instructions)
  • Create (or update) your OpenLab profile and add a photo or image (instructions)
  • Introduce yourself on the Community Members page of our website (which also includes the Open Pedagogy Assignment Design seminar)
Tuesday, June 6 | 11:30am – 1pm

**Prior to meeting Thursday, June 8**

  • Introduce yourself on the Community Members page of our seminar site (link in menu above).
  • Read: Preparing a Learning-Focused Syllabus and Liquid Syllabus
    • Reflection: What about your syllabus is learning-focused? What is one change you might make to be more learning focused? Find an example of a policy on your syllabus; insert the phrase “because I say so” at the end. How does this change the perspective?
Thursday, June 8 | 11:30am – 1pm
  • Welcome
  • Syllabus convo
  • What the heck is ZTC? OER?
  • “The Tiger” by Nael

WEEK 2: Asset Pedagogies Continued

**Prior to meeting Tuesday, June 13**

Tuesday, June 13
  • Welcome and #4wordpedagogy
  • Culturally sustaining and trauma-informed pedagogies conversation
  • Open pedagogy conversation
  • “We Are of a Tribe” by Alberto Ríos

**Prior to meeting Thursday, June 15**

  • Create learning experiences with backward design
    • Go to the backward design conversations page and complete the activities including the reflection prompt
    • Choose a learning outcome, module, or class session to bring to Thursday’s session; we will use these to (re)design a learning experience with backward design.
  • Explore no cost resources to support learning experiences in your course, including library and other free online sources, as well as OER
Thursday, June 15

WEEK 3: CC Licenses, Fair Use, and More

**Prior to meeting on Tuesday, June 20**

Tuesday, June 20
  • Universal design for learning conversation
  • Creative commons licensing conversation
  • Finding no-cost materials
  • “Compassion” by Miller Williams

**Prior to meeting on Thursday, June 22**

  • By Wednesday, June 21 at 5pm, send an email to oer@bmcc.cuny.edu describing one or two examples of material that you’ve wondered if you could use without violating copyright in a past or present course. We’ll anonymize these and use them for discussion.
  • Watch Fair Use (4 mins), and read about the Fair use Checklist.
  • Bonus video: Copying Is Not Theft (1 min)
  • Bonus bonus video: Copyright Is Brain Damage (18 mins)
Thursday, June 22
  • Copyright prior knowledge exercise
  • Fair Use four factors and checklist
  • Scenarios discussion
  • Excerpt from “Natural Resources” by Adrienne Rich

WEEK 4: Wrapping Up

**Prior to meeting on Tuesday, June 27**

  • Continue to apply backward design, UDL, CSP, TIP to redesigning learning activities with no-cost materials
  • Create account on CUNY Academic Works (if you don’t already have one)
Tuesday, June 27

**Prior to meeting on Thursday, June 29**

  • Contribute to the OER community:
    • Choose one educational material that you have created (assignment, slide deck, that you feel comfortable adding a Creative Commons license to and sharing with other educators
    • Add a Creative Commons license to this material
    • Upload the material to CUNY Academic Works
  • Watch Unconditional Positive Regard (~ 8mins) and jot down ideas in response to bring to discussion on Thursday: 
    • How do or might you weave unconditional positive regard throughout your course?
Thursday, June 29
  • Unconditional positive regard in our classes
  • Considering accessibility
  • Postcard reflection activity
  • ZTC designation and textbook information for your course on CUNYFirst
  • “Hands” by Moya Cannon
  • So long and thanks for all the fish!