Reflection on Asset Pedagogies

To be completed before Tuesday, June 13, Zoom session.

Culturally sustaining pedagogy and trauma-informed pedagogy, like open pedagogy, are asset-based pedagogies. As we discussed, asset-based practices focus on strengths of our students and their communities, rather than deficits. Before our next Zoom session:

After reading the information at the links above, respond in a few paragraphs to the following questions by posting a comment below.

  • What are some ways you currently incorporate culturally sustaining pedagogy and trauma-informed practices into your courses?
  • How might you apply asset-based pedagogies to other learning experiences in your courses? Give specific examples.

Bonus listen: For more information on trauma-informed pedagogy, Tea for Teaching has a terrific interview (39 mins) with Karen Costa, an educator who’s been working in this area for several years.

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