Where I’m From (Erica)

I am from the smell of coffee in the morning
A pot of dolmas on the stove
Delicious memories of pilaf and choreg, “dubda” and yalanchi

I am from the sounds of music throughout the day
Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Gershwin, jazz, rock
Hands freezing while practicing
Depression-era parents, both generous and thrifty, even inventive

One night a bat joined the session
It was right after the recital
You were walking the dog, I think
When you returned, a tennis racket did the trick

There was harmony and discord
Blasting the Metropolitan opera was OK, but not AC/DC
Generation gap — potato, po-tah-to?

Food had its staying power
But it was poetry and music that never failed
They always made you smile, moved you always
They’re the connective tissue between generations, cultures, people
They’re where I’m from.
Despite the challenges,
What a wonderful world you brought me into

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