What Is OER/ZTC?

What Is OER/ZTC?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are defined by UNESCO as “learning, teaching, and research materials in any format and medium that […] are under copyright that have been released under an open license.”

In other words: the creator of the educational material gives permission up front for others to access, distribute, and/or tweak their material!

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) is the designation used in CUNYFirst to indicate that a course does not require students enrolled in the class to purchase a textbook or required readings.

What OER/ZTC Means for You


It saves CUNY students millions of dollars annually. In Fall 2021 alone, CUNY students saved around $10 million. At BMCC, students have shared the different ways they spent the money they saved through ZTC, which would have otherwise gone to textbooks.

Immediate Access

Students often delay purchasing textbooks until their financial aid arrives, which can hinder their performance early in the semester. ZTC solves this by providing immediate access to necessary materials, ensuring that all students can keep up from day one.


OER/ZTC allows faculty to utilize non-traditional educational materials, such as zines and multimedia, to engage students and accommodate multiple learning styles.

Stats about CUNY/BMCC OER Program


Total saved on textbooks by BMCC students since the OER/ZTC program launched


Zero Textbook Cost course sections taught at BMCC


Faculty who have participated in the biannual OER/ZTC Course Redesign Workshop