Author Archives: jean amaral

OER and Other No-cost Materials for Your Course

Before our Zoom session on Tuesday, June 23, continue to look for OER and other no-cost materials for your course, using the backward design process if it is helpful.

Post a comment below with responses to following questions by Monday, June 22, at 6pm:

  • What OER and other no-cost materials have you found and/or plan to use in your course?
  • How do these materials support the incorporation of asset-based pedagogies (e.g., trauma-informed pedagogy, culturally sustaining pedagogy, open pedagogy) into your course?
  • How do the materials address these two principles of universal design for learning (UDL)?
    • multiple means of engagement
    • multiple means of representation

Backward Design



Read Chapter 1: Surfacing Backward Design from Small Teaching Online. Come to the next session ready to discuss using the backward design process in redesigning your course with OER.

The link above goes to the e-book chapter in one of our Library databases. Let us know if you have trouble logging in to read the chapter.


If you have time and interest, here is a podcast episode interviewing the author of Small Teaching Online, Flower Darby.

Universal Design for Learning



Explore the information and resources available at UDL in Higher Education.


Share your thoughts in the comments below in response to these spark prompts:

  • How might you add multiple means of engagement (the why of learning) in your course?
  • How might you apply multiple means of representation (the what of learning) to materials or information you provide your students?
  • Redesign one of your assignments using multiple means of action and expression (the how of learning).

Reflection on Asset-based Pedagogies

After reading about culturally sustaining pedagogy and trauma-informed pedagogy, what are some ways that you could incorporate these two and open pedagogy into your course?

Post your reply in the comments below.

Bonus Listen: For more information on trauma-informed pedagogy, Tea for Teaching has a terrific interview (48 mins) with Karen Costa, an educator who’s been working in this area for several years.

Pre-Seminar Activities

BMCC OpenLab

Create an account on the BMCC OpenLab using these instructions. Soon we will have a community and website on OpenLab for the seminar where we will engage in asynchronous activities.



Read or listen to the following materials, and write responses/notes to the spark questions, which we’ll use as a jumping off point for our discussion on June 2. We’ll be asking you to share your responses in small groups, as well as with all of the cohort participants. 

  • “Preparing a Learning-Focused Syllabus”

Spark questions: What about your syllabus is learning-focused? What is one change you might make to be more learning focused? Find an example of a policy on your syllabus; insert the phrase “because I say so” at the end. How does this change the perspective?

  •   “What Is Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy (CSP) and Why Does It Matter?”

Spark questions: How would you describe CSP to a colleague? What is one example from your own teaching of how you incorporate CSP into your courses? In what additional ways might you incorporate CSP?

  • “What Is Open Pedagogy?” 

Spark questions: In what ways do you share power in your classes? Where are the places that you might make space for more student agency?

  • “Trauma-informed Pedagogy” Podcast 

Spark questions: What were you doing for self-care before the pandemic? What are you doing for self-care now?


WEEK 1 – June 2, 2020

Asset-based Pedagogies

Learning Outcomes

  • apply learner-centered principles to the syllabus
  • describe culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP)
  • design learning experiences with asset-based pedagogies



Territorial acknowledgement (see

Silent introductions – with shout outs

Workin’ Zoom (chat or voice)

Co-creation in the comments

Thinking about pedagogy, part 1

  • From the beginning: Your syllabus (team time)
  • Situating our work within asset-based pedagogies
  • CSP in the class (team time)


Thinking about pedagogy, part 2

  • Trauma informed teaching and learning (team time)
  • Open pedagogy (team time)

WEEK 2 – June 9, 2020

Learning Outcomes

  • Consider current and possible spaces for asset-based pedagogies in your courses
  • Apply universal design for learning to course assignments and activities
  • Use backward design to plan a unit or module

Pre-Zoom Activities


Welcome back

Thinking about pedagogy, part 3

  • Universal design for learning (UDL)
  • Backward design


Content for Learning Experiences

  • What’s included in zero textbook cost?
  • Creative Commons licensing
  • Finding OER

WEEK 3 – June 16, 2020

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify content needed for learning outcomes and learning experiences by applying backward design
  • Find open educational resources (OER) for the content identified above

Pre-Zoom Activities

  • Identify two learning outcomes and apply backward design to each (using the attached planner/worksheet if it’s helpful) to design learning experiences for your students. Locate OER or other no-cost sources that you might use to help your students achieve the learning outcomes. Come to the next session ready to talk about how you found the materials and how they contribute to your students achieving the learning outcomes.
  • By Sunday, June 14, send an email to jean describing one or two examples of material that you’ve wondered if you could use without violating copyright in a past or present course. We’ll anonymize these and use them for discussion.
  • Watch Creative Commons Licenses Explained, and read about CC licenses
  • Watch Fair Use, and read about the Fair use Checklist.
  • Bonus video: Copying Is Not Theft.


Welcome back


  • OER lightning round


No cost options

  • Other no cost materials beyond OER
  • Copyright and fair use

WEEK 4 – June 23, 2020

Learning Outcomes


Now what?

  • Delivering OER to students
  • Assessing your OER/ZTC course
