Learning Outcomes
- Identify current uses of asset-based pedagogies in courses, including trauma informed pedagogy, open pedagogy, and Universal Design for Learning
- Design learning experiences with asset-based pedagogies
- Apply learner-centered principles to the syllabus
- Apply universal design for learning to course assignments and activities
Preparation for June 7 Zoom session
Please complete by Monday, June 6, at 12pm:
- Introduce yourself on the Community Members page of our Teaching on the OpenLab Faculty Learning Community site. The form to submit your introduction is on the right side of the page.
- Send an email to oer@bmcc.cuny.edu with a song (title and artist) or image that represents for you the joy, hope, or liberation of learning. (We’ll curate these and share during the week.)
Tuesday, June 7, 9:00 – 10:30am, Zoom session
- Welcome
- Territorial acknowledgement (see https://usdac.us/nativeland)
- Getting to know each other: Team Tally
- Thinking about pedagogy, part 1
- Situating our work within asset pedagogies
- Trauma informed teaching and learning
Preparation for June 9 Zoom session
Read the following articles, write responses/notes to the spark questions, which we’ll use as a jumping off point for our discussion on Thursday, January 6:
- Learner-Centered Syllabi
- Read: Preparing a Learning-Focused Syllabus and Liquid Syllabus
- Reflection: What about your syllabus is learning-focused? What is one change you might make to be more learning focused? Find an example of a policy on your syllabus; insert the phrase “because I say so” at the end. How does this change the perspective?
- “What Is Open Pedagogy?”
- http://openpedagogy.org/open-pedagogy
- Reflection: In what ways do you share power in your classes? Where are the places that you might make space for more student agency?
- Universal Design for Learning
- Watch the video and respond to questions at the link above.
Thursday, June 9, 9:00 – 10:30am, Zoom session
Thinking about pedagogy, part 2
- From the beginning: Your syllabus (team time)
- Open pedagogy (team time)