Rachael Nevins

9 posts

Tips for Looking for ZTC Materials

If you were going to advise a colleague searching for ZTC materials, what would you tell them? Here are some of our ideas, paraphrased from our discussion today. Steve says to be mindful of your time so that you don’t become overwhelmed with too much information. To add to Steve’s […]

But You Can’t Do That in a STEM Course!

In our first two weeks together, we read, reflected on, and discussed asset-based pedagogies, including trauma-informed pedagogy, open pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Because of how we tend to think of STEM disciplines—fact-based, methodical, impersonal—it can be challenging to conceive of how these pedagogies might […]

Rachael Nevins

Hello! I just started working with jean this spring, and I’ve also been working with the Office of Library Services to launch CUNY’s Pressbooks installation. After working for many years in educational publishing I am glad now for the ways that working with OER brings me into communities of educators […]