If you were going to advise a colleague searching for ZTC materials, what would you tell them? Here are some of our ideas, paraphrased from our discussion today.
Steve says to be mindful of your time so that you don’t become overwhelmed with too much information.
To add to Steve’s suggestion, I often use a pomodoro timer (mine is a browser extension) to help myself focus in 25-minute chunks. There’s no need to go all in on the technique (I don’t!), but using the timer can be a good way to pace yourself.
Brenda reminds us to use backward design: keep your goal in mind, and work backward from that.
Brenda also recommends keeping running lists: lists of keywords searched and of websites accessed along with notes on why they are useful.
Stephanie recommends considering the resources we already have. For example, as jean added, what podcasts do you listen to already, and are there resources there that would be useful to your students?
Mechellé bookmarks her resources in Google Drive, as a way both to organize resources for herself and to keep them accessible no matter what device she might be using.
Judith suggests looking at what the library has, and jean advises that if the library doesn’t have something you need, do be sure to ask the library if it can be acquired.