Final project- step 4: walk cycle (revised)
Revise your walk cycle until it’s “just right” (i.e: perhaps you need to add a few in-between frames to slow it down a bit, change the position of an arm or a leg etc.)
Add a follow through/overlapping action to your character’s walk cycle (i.e: a tail, flappy ears, hair, clothing/accessories etc.)
Finally, clean up your lines and add color to your animation sequence.
If the rough walk cycle you created last week was created in a software other than Animate you have to recreate it in this software at this point. The reason for this is that we will be adding camera, effects, credits and sound in After effects and this will be much smoother if we can import an Animate file.
Use the following file format: 24fps, width: 1280px | height: 720px. Save your .fla file and export your animation to Quicktime Upload your animation to Vimeo or Youtube.
Create a new post on your OpenLab portfolio. Your post should include a link to your Vimeo or Youtube video as well as a short description (what did you add/change from the previous version. Reflections on your process, challenges, goals etc. are also welcome).
This assignment is due next week. Submit the following files on the following platforms:
- Blackboard: .fla file and a link to your OpenLab post.
- OpenLab discussion board: Reply to the “Final Project: walk cycle(revised)” discussion post with a link to your OpenLab post
This is part of the final project. It will be taken into account in the final grade for the project.