TITLE OF COURSE: Introduction to Multimedia
COURSE NUMBER & SECTION: MMP100-0501, Spring 2025
SCHEDULE: Online, Asynchronous
PROFESSOR: Anna Pinkas | email: apinkas@bmcc.cuny.edu | Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:15PM- 2:45PM (or by appointment) on Zoom (please check Brightspace or your email for Zoom link)
SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION: This section of MMP100 is part of BMCC’s Supplemental Instruction Program. Yi Lin | email: yi.lin1@stu.bmcc.cuny.edu will be your SI leader this semester. He will have weekly office hours Wednesdays, 10AM – 1PM in person in room S-608 and on Zoom, and Fridays, 10AM – 1PM (Zoom only) (please check Brightspace or your email for Zoom link).
DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of multimedia production. In a hands-on class, students will learn the essentials of program design and authoring software in an integrated computer environment. Students will learn how to combine graphics, audio and text to create programs for industrial and educational applications.
Description | Measurement |
1.Students will be able to manipulate raster and vector images | Digital imaging project |
2.Students will be able to create short animations and export them to the correct format. | Animation/video project |
3.Students will be able to combine and edit audio files to create a narrative or ambience. | Audio project |
4.Students will be able to identify simple HTML, CSS and Javascript syntax and to understand their respective role in web development. | Web development and programming projects |
5.Students will be able to upload and share their creative work on the web. | All projects |
6.Students will be able to identify standards for using media that meet copyright law. | Digital imaging, Quiz |
7.Students will be able to plan, iterate and document their creative work. | Final project |
8.Students will be able to identify core principles, terminology and contemporary uses of digital media. | Quiz |
Description | Measurement |
Communication Skills – Students will write, read, listen and speak critically and effectively. Student behaviors include being able to: Express ideas clearly in written form; Employ critical reading skills to analyze written material; Exhibit active listening skills; Give an effective oral presentation. | Class website |
Quantitative Reasoning – Students will use quantitative skills and the concepts and methods of mathematics to solve problems. Student behaviors include being able to:Use quantitative skills to solve problems; Interpret quantitative information; Translate problem situations into their symbolic representations. | Web development & programming projects |
Information & Technology Literacy – Students will collect, evaluate and interpret information and effectively use information technologies. Student behaviors include being able to: Conduct research using appropriate research strategies; Make effective use of technology. | All projects |
REQUIRED TEXT: Free class materials (including slides, web resources and tutorials) are available on this site.
USE OF TECHNOLOGY: Here is a list of software we will use for each module (as well as free/open source alternatives when available). If you are struggling to get access to these tools, please email me asap.
- Digital Imaging: Adobe Photoshop CC & Adobe Illustrator CC
- Audio: Audacity (free & open source)
- Animation: Adobe Animate & Adobe Media Encoder
- Web Development: A Github account (free), a Twine account (free), and a free code editor such as Video Studio Code
- Programming: A P5 editor account (free)
- Final Project: A combination of the above
You do NOT have to purchase an Adobe membership. All the Adobe software we will use in this class is available to you for FREE as a BMCC student. Follow these instructions to download Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe After Effects on your personal computer: https://servicedesk.bmcc.cuny.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=1070
If you do not have a computer at home on which to download the software, you may use the BMCC computer labs to work on your projects. S-510C is equipped with all the software you need for this class. The schedule for the lab can be found here: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/students/lrc/lab-services/. The Makerspace also has Open Lab hours during which you can use the laptops equipped with the software. Open hours will be posted on this calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=fc8m6jd1prlmmv083famd201qg@group.calendar.google.com
PORTFOLIO: A strong portfolio is indispensable in pursuing a career in Media Arts. You should save, document, and share your work throughout your time at BMCC (and beyond of course!). Please review these recommendations for storing and sharing your work (including the projects you will create in this class.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of the learning process and plays a major role in determining overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, attending class, submitting assignments, engaging in in-class or online activities, taking exams, and/or participating in group work. Each instructor has the right to establish their own class participation policy, and it is each student’s responsibility to be familiar with and follow the participation policies for each course.
GRADING: Grading is based on the successful completion of all projects and quizzes, and on class participation. Students are expected to complete all listed deadlines for assignments and quizzes. Projects must be handed in on time. Points will be deducted for work that is handed in late. I give you the option of resubmitting a project if you want to improve your grade, but please submit something on the due date.It is your responsibility to contact me in the event of an absence or of an issue with meeting a deadline. I will do my best to help you catch up, but I must be notified.
Teacher evaluation and class performance: 10% (making regular appointments to meet with the Professor and/or the SI counts towards this grade)
Media projects: 55%
Final project: 20%
Quizzes: 15%
Students will use Google Drive to post their assignment. Faculty will email grades and comments, along with any other course material they see fit.
Please see “Materials & Requirements” page for a full breakdown of all the tasks to complete and deadlines to meet.
TUTORING: Take advantage of BMCC’s one-on-one tutoring services (free!). Go to the Learning Resource Center Reception Desk in S-510 (199 Chambers Street), call (212) 220-1383, or visit https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/learning-assistance/ for more information.
BMCC Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Statement
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors. The library has guides designed to help students to appropriately identify a cited work. The full policy can be found on BMCC’s Web site, www.bmcc.cuny.edu. For further information on integrity and behavior, please consult the college bulletin (also available online).
BMCC community members have the right to use and be referred to according to their preferred name, title, and/or personal pronouns. Everyone also has the right to use all spaces according to their self-identification, including restrooms and locker rooms. To learn more about how to change your preferred name and affirm your gender identity at CUNY (including requesting a new ID card and/or email address), go here: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/student-affairs/lgbtq/
Anyone who has experienced harassment related to gender or sexual identification, who needs assistance, or who wishes to file a complaint, can contact the Office of Compliance and Diversity: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/about-bmcc/compliance-diversity/.
CUNY Mask Policy
CUNY is no longer requiring masks and has this guidance regarding them:
BMCC is committed to the health and well‐being of all students. It is common for everyone to seek assistance at some point in their life, and there are free and confidential services on campus that can help.
Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/student-affairs/arc/ room S230, 212‐220‐8195, arc@bmcc.cuny.edu. If you are having problems with food or housing insecurity, finances, health insurance or anything else that might get in the way of your studies at BMCC, contact the Advocacy and Resource Center (formerly Single Stop) for assistance. Please contact us at arc@bmcc.cuny.edu, call 212-220-8195, or come by the office at room S230. You may also contact the Office of Student Affairs, S350, 212‐220‐8130, studentaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu, for assistance.
Counseling Center www.bmcc.cuny.edu/counseling, room S343, 212‐220‐8140, counselingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu. Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and relationships) and can help with stress, time management and more. Counselors are available for walk‐in visits.
Office of Compliance and Diversity https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/about-bmcc/compliance-diversity, room S701, 212-220-1236. BMCC is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment free of unlawful discrimination/harassment, including sexual harassment, where all students are treated fairly. For information about BMCC’s policies and resources, or to request additional assistance in this area, please visit or call the office, or email olevy@bmcc.cuny.edu, or twade@bmcc.cuny.edu. If you need immediate assistance, please contact BMCC Public safety at 212-220-8080.
Office of Accessibilitywww.bmcc.cuny.edu/accessibility, Students who need academic accommodations in connection with a disability must initiate the request with BMCC’s Office of Accessibility (OA). Students need to register with the Office of Accessibility in order to officially disclose their disability status to the College and to determine eligibility for appropriate reasonable accommodations (including any prior IEPs or 504s). Please contact the OA at the start of the semester (or as soon as possible) to coordinate any accommodation request/s: www.bmcc.cuny.edu/accessibility, Room N360 (accessible entrance: 77 Harrison Street), 212-220-8180, accessibility@bmcc.cuny.edu.