
This website was created as an OER (Open Educational Resource) for the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s “MMP100 – Introduction to Multimedia” course. There are several sections of this course. This site is for Professor Pinkas’ MMP100-0501, Spring 2025 (OL/Asynchronous)

MMP100 is one of the foundations class for all majors in the Media Arts and Technology Department. It spans a wide range of media and software which the students will use throughout their studies. The goal of the course is to highlight these tools’ purpose and interfaces. At the end of the semester, the students should have 5 projects showing they know how to create and/or manipulate digital images, audio, animations, videos and code.

Please refer to the “Syllabus” page for course overview and expectations. The  “Materials & Requirements” page is where most content for the semester will be posted (overtime) – including intro videos, tutorials, and assignment guidelines and deadlines.

All content on this website is licensed under CC BY 4.0