Week 9: 3/21 + 3/23

This week we will continue to work on moving our Responsive Site Projects to Eleventy.

Thursday 3/23

Activity 1: Progress Update

Take some time to go in to our Miro with the project tracking Kanban’s and update them. View Discussion Board with Link to Miro

Remember that you have to be logged in to the OpenLab to view the above link.

Activity 2: Git Branches

We briefly talked about branching in Git before. We’re going to revisit that to get you used to working with a branching workflow.

We will look at this presentation again: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lSJAeMY=/?share_link_id=24645454499

and start the day by making a new working branch before you make your changes.

Activity 3: Transition to Eleventy

We will continue to transition your sites to 11ty. We will look again at this Miro that outlines the transition process: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lp7T5dQ=/?share_link_id=275101600074

Tuesday 3/21

Activity 1: Eleventy Basics Quiz

We will start by doing a quiz on Eleventy Basics. You can go through this as many times as you like. Please make sure you’re signed in to the OpenLab so it will record that you did it. This uses a new quiz system I’m trying so I may ask you about it.

Activity 2: Partner Update

After the quiz we will go into breakout rooms for you to update your partner on where you are in your project.

  • How did you do on the Quiz? What parts did you not understand?
  • Where are you with our Kanban on your Eleventy site progress? Questions about Kanban?
  • Do you know what the next step is you need to do on your project?
  • What questions do you have overall about 11ty?

Site Progress Kanban

You can view the link to your site progress Kanban here (must be a logged-in member of our class): https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/groups/mmp-350-spring23/forum/topic/eleventy-site-progress-miro-board/

Activity 3: Transition to 11ty Continued

With the remaining time in class we will continue to look at moving from a static HTML/CSS site to an 11ty site.

We will look at this Miro that outlines the transition process: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lp7T5dQ=/?share_link_id=275101600074

After Class:

  • Continue to work on getting your Responsive Site moved to the 11ty project files.

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