Week 7
Thursday 3/9
Activity 1: Setup for Markdown and Nunjucks
We will look at this VS Code Setup post.
Activity 2: Branching
We will look at this Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lSJAeMY=/?share_link_id=698290916204
Activity 3: Collections
We will use this Miro to look at how to make Collections and start taking advantage of the Nunjucks Template Language Built into Eleventy.
GitHub Gists for Collections
Tuesday 3/7
Activity 1: Responsive Site Q&A
We will start by looking at some of your Responsive Site Projects and discussing them, content, issues and things that will prepare you to move to Eleventy.
Activity 2: Eleventy
We are going to continue with our Eleventy Sample Site and learn more about how Eleventy works. This week we will get more into Eleventy Templates and look at how they work. We also learn more about how you can add what is called “passthrough” files which is how your own CSS and images get added.
- Eleventy Sample Site (GitHub Classroom, You only need to click this if you didn’t start the sample site last week. If you did then go to your repositories and look for: eleventy-sample-site-YourUsername)
- Eleventy Build Process Miro
As you look at your feedback on the Responsive Site Project and start to learn 11ty, remember that:
Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
You don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way
Marvin Minsky
“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.“
— Michael Jordan