Tuesday 5/9
We will start by looking at making your group repo and a refresher on branching.
- Eleventy Sass Starter Repository
- This is the repository that I recommend your group uses. Remember:
- One person creates the repo.
- Then that person adds the rest of the group as collaborators.
- Then when you update it, use branches to help prevent overwriting each other’s work and merge errors.
- Working with Branches miro
- Branch Example GitHub Template
- Git and GitHub post
- Final Weeks
Group Work
We will give you some time to work in groups. While in groups:
- Make sure you have created the GitHub repo and added everyone as collaborators
- Add some stub pages for the pages of your site you know you want now. This will be version 1 of your site.
- Present what you have and your plans for the content in class.
Additional Time
If there is time left at the end, then we will also go into topics of interest to your groups and address issues that come up.
Thursday 5/11
Work on your Final Projects and come with questions.
Group Work
You will again have time to work in groups. A progress report is due.
I added some resources
- Eleventy Help Page (I will add more to this as needed and requested by you)
- Deploy to Netlify
- Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty
We will also go over some Accessibility concepts you should add to your site to help ensure everyone can access the content.
Accessibility Resources
- The A11Y Project
- Introduction to Web Accessibility (post with video and transcript)
- Web Accessibility Checklist website
- 5 Accessibility Quick Wins you can implement today
You should do these at a minimum
- alt tags for all images
- Make sure your links: 1) look like links, 2) have descriptive text
- use heading elements
- this is the h1..h6 elements
- WUHCAG Section Headings
- use semantic HTML
- text and background color have sufficient contrast
- add labels to any form elements
- Contrast