Week 14: 5/2 + 5/4

Thursday 5/4

Activity 1: JavaScript

We didn’t have time to look at more JavaScript last class so we will today.


Posts on our Site

  • JavaScript Page: posts and external resources for reference and tutorials on how to learn JavaScript.
  • jQuery Setup: goes over how to get ready to use jQuery JavaScript library on a site.
  • jQuery Basics: this covers the basics of using jQuery.

Activity 2: Final Projects

We will look at your final proposals.

Then we will look at this Eleventy Sass Template you can use: https://github.com/stein-bmcc/eleventy-sass

Tuesday 5/2

Activity 1: Final Project Brief

We will take some time at the beginning of class for you to work on your Final Project Briefs in your groups.

Final Project Brief Post

Activity 2: Working with Git in Groups

We will go over branching and the process for how to work with Git in groups. We will also look at how to add collaborators to a repository.

  1. The GitHub person in each group should go to the following Repository and clone it:
  2. That person then adds other group members as collaborators (instructions linked to in the Setup part of the ReadMe for the repo)
  3. Then we will all follow along with the Branching and Merging with Individual Files section of the ReadMe.
    • Essentially you will all practice making a branch, adding a file, then merging the branch and pushing it up to GitHub.

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