This week we only have class on Tuesday, Thursday is during spring break.
There is no class on the following days due to Spring Break:
- Thursday, April 6
- Tuesday, April 11
- Thursday, April 13
After today, our next class is on Tuesday, April 18. This is also when the Eleventy Project Site is due.
Activity 1: Eleventy Site Requirements and Submission
To start we will go over the project requirements and how to submit. These two pages have the information:
Activity 2: Work on Eleventy Site Projects
We will cover questions and issues that you all bring up. I will start with a reminder on branching and then allow you all to help direct what we do. Some options:
- Look at the process of implementing some code from Codepen into your project
- Fix an issue one (or more) of you have with your project
Contact Forms
Some of you have asked for info on making forms work. I am not sure if we will be able to do it in class so I’m giving some links here:
- Forms Documentation
- Forms Pricing (first 100 per month are free)
In general it’s not too hard to set up the form. The main thing is to make sure your form element has method=”POST” and data-netlfiy=”true” as attributes. Also your submit button should have a type=”submit” attribute.
<form name="contact" method="POST" data-netlify="true">
<!-- other form elements here -->
<button type="submit">Send</button>