CSS is how we create the visual design of our web sites.
CSS Posts
Below are the last six posts on our class site related to CSS.
Click here to view all CSS Posts.
Git Tips and Fixes
These are some tips and fixes you can use when working with Git. Create and Merge Branches Here is the short version to for quick copy/paste. With all of the…
Finding and Using Images
Credit I have a separate post on how to give credit to the image creator. Credits and Copyright post. Give credit to every image on your site. Even if you…
Credits and Copyright
When you use content that someone else made, you should give credit to the creator. This is true whether it’s an image, text or other media. Some content comes with…
Gestalt Principle: Figure / Ground
When we look at something we try to determine what is important and needs our focus, figure, and what is not important and we can ignore, background. Another way to…
Gestalt Principle: Proximity
The basic way to use this principle is to pay attention to the spacing around your elements. If a few elements are all in a group and related to each…
Gestalt Principles and Web Design
A big part of graphic design in general and the web design we do in this class is communicating a message to a particular group of people (audience). The Gestalt…
These HTML resources are grouped into areas. Some are direct links to resources while others are links to posts on this site.
CSS Learning Resources
These are resources about various aspects of CSS.
Mozilla Developers Network: MDN
This site sets the standard as a reference for all things web.
- CSS: Cascading Style Sheets This is the main area for all things CSS at MDN
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Reference
CSS Tricks
This is an excellent resource not only on CSS but also for front-end web development in general.
CSS Games
Some people learn better by playing games. To learn more ready our Post on CSS Games.
Interactive Online Presentation On HTML, CSS And JavaScript
Lea Verou’s Introduction to Modern Web Technologies It’s long but interactive. It covers HTML, CSS and JS. Don’t go all through at once.
Reference Sites
These sites have reference materials you can use to look up terms and techniques. MDN stands for the Mozilla Developer Network. Mozilla makes Firefox and MDN is one of the most trusted resources.
Try it Out
These sites allow you to quickly try out CSS.