Tag: media queries
Class 7 [2/16] CSS Grid and Responsive Web Design
Week 4: 2/14 + 2/16
This week we will work on your Responsive Personal Site projects focusing on writing HTML and CSS, Responsive Design Basics and some design concepts. JOIN LIVE SESSION Thursday 2/16 Activity 1: CSS Grid We will continue to look at how to Style with CSS Grid Activity 2: Responsive Web Design Concepts Responsive Web Design was… Continue reading Week 4: 2/14 + 2/16
Media Queries
In order to have a fully responsive web page you need three things: We have already covered Fluid Layout. When you use FR units (grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; ) you are creating a fluid layout. This post outlines the third item, Media Queries. Media Queries are CSS rules that allow you to apply CSS styles only… Continue reading Media Queries