
The overarching learning objective of the class is for you to be able to create well-designed, responsive, dynamic web sites and do it with the tools and processes that professional web designers use.

It makes sense that in order to learn that and show what you’ve learned, you’ll make web sites. In this class we make two and they are the class projects.

Links to more information on each project will be added as the class moves forward.

Most of the class is geared around helping you through the process of creating three web sites.

Responsive Personal Site

For this project you will create a portfolio site using responsive web design techniques. This project is meant to refresh and solidify your understanding of responsive design techniques and our class tools including: HTML, CSS, Responsive Layout with CSS Grid, media queries, Git, GitHub and the planning process with a creative brief, wireframes and more.

Most of the tools and techniques will be the same for this although we may get deeper into Git, and responsive layout.

Eleventy Personal Site

In this project we will take the responsive site you made and convert it to the Eleventy (also written as 11ty) static site generator. Learning how to use 11ty and the concepts that come with using a site generator is a big, new concept for all of you. This will introduce you to a different set of tools (Node.js, terminal, templates, build), workflow and how you structure your web site files. That is one reason that I have you keep the same content as the first project, so we can focus on the new stuff and not the content

four people in a group looking at the same laptop

Eleventy Group Project

After learning the 11ty process in an individual project you will then get in groups to create a new site with 11ty. There will be more details later in the semester about the groups and the content for the site.

The purpose of this project is to both deepen your knowledge of 11ty, and also to have the chance to create a site in a group environment where roles are shared. You will also build communication and planning skills that are essential to getting and staying hired in any creative field.