Professor Chris Stein

chris stein headshot

I am a professor, academic technologist and digital media creative. I’ve been working in the field for a long time and seen a lot of changes. I’m excited about new developments in web design and bringing them to people new to the field. Outside of school I enjoy photography, fitness and film. Recently, I started learning woodworking and I’m happy to say I’m writing this on a desk I made.

Contact Me

The best way to contact me will be through our class Discord server. I prefer this over email as it lets me see all of our class communication in one place and focus on that.

Schedule a Meeting

Office Hours

There are three hours of Office Hours available throughout the week. More than one person can book at the same time and we’ll all be in the same zoom. I ask you to schedule using Calendly to help make sure that you will be there and I will be ready.

Quick one-on-one

If you need to meet with me one-on-one (just you and me) then you can use this scheduling tool below.

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